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Laravel 导出:尝试读取 null 上的属性“second_key”

[英]Laravel Export: Attempt to read property "second_key" on null

I need to export data with Laravel Export, but the code return ErrorException: Attempt to read property "second_key" on null .我需要使用 Laravel Export 导出数据,但代码返回 ErrorException: Attempt to read property "second_key" on null

My code:我的代码:

namespace App\Admin\Extensions;
use Encore\Admin\Grid\Exporters\ExcelExporter;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromQuery;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMapping;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ShouldAutoSize;
class DataExporter extends ExcelExporter implements FromQuery, WithMapping, ShouldAutoSize
protected $fileName = 'Export Data.xlsx';
    public function headings(): array
        return [
    public function map($data): array
        return [
            $data->json_data->second_key, // <-- Here's the error


I've tried to check using this:我试着用这个来检查:


and this is the result:这是结果:

      "id": 282,
      "second_key": "second_value",
      "third_key": "6200",
      "fourth_key": "0000",
      "fifth_key": 28

I've also done this:我也这样做过:

return [
     $data->json_data //Without "second_key"

and the excel cell returns the same result: excel 单元格返回相同的结果:

      "id": 282,
      "second_key": "second_value",
      "third_key": "6200",
      "fourth_key": "0000",
      "fifth_key": 28

As @dbf said in the comment section, I have to handle empty rows.正如@dbf在评论部分所说,我必须处理空行。 I have checked several times in the database, and maybe I missed that one blank row.我在数据库中检查了好几次,也许我错过了那一行空白。 Anyway, this is how I handle those values:无论如何,这就是我处理这些值的方式:

if (!isset($data->json_data->second_key)) {
    $second_key = '-';
} else {
    $second_key = $data->json_data->second_key;

return [

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