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Excel 中的条件格式比较多行单元格中的值

[英]Conditional Formatting in Excel comparing values in cell over multiple rows

I have two columns Marks and Expected Marks, using conditional formatting i want to highlight all cells where marks are greater than expected marks in the same row.我有两列标记和预期标记,使用条件格式我想突出显示标记大于同一行中预期标记的所有单元格。 How to apply such conditional formatting over multiple rows.如何在多行上应用这种条件格式。


Select marks cells, in conditional formatting choose "Format only cells that contains", then choose "Greater than" and choose first cell from expected marks column. Select 标记单元格,在条件格式中选择“仅格式化包含的单元格”,然后选择“大于”并从预期标记列中选择第一个单元格。



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