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观察者模式和 React 上下文是否相同?

[英]Is observer pattern and React context the same?

Within the paradigm of React, what is the difference between an observer pattern and React context?在 React 的范式中,观察者模式和 React 上下文有什么区别?

From what I understand, it looks like they're different methods to achieve the same result据我了解,看起来它们是实现相同结果的不同方法

Observer pattern is a design pattern where an object (the observer) is notified of changes to another object (the subject) without the observer having direct access to the subject.观察者模式是一种设计模式,其中 object(观察者)会收到另一个 object(主题)的更改通知,而观察者无法直接访问主题。 It is a way to achieve loose coupling between objects.它是一种实现对象之间松散耦合的方法。

React context , on the other hand, is a way to share state and props throughout a component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.另一方面, React context是一种在整个组件树中共享 state 和 props 的方法,而无需在每个级别手动传递 props。 It allows for easy access to global state, such as user authentication or theme, and can be updated in one place and the changes will be propagated down the component tree.它允许轻松访问全局 state,例如用户身份验证或主题,并且可以在一个地方更新,并且更改将向下传播到组件树。

While both observer pattern and React context can be used to share state between components, they have different purposes and use cases.虽然observer patternReact context都可用于在组件之间共享 state,但它们具有不同的目的和用例。 Observer pattern is more of a general programming concept, whereas React context is a specific tool provided by React to manage state.观察者模式更多的是一个通用的编程概念,而 React context 是 React 提供的一种具体的管理 state 的工具。

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