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使用 Ruby on Rails 中的 gem 收据将 QR 码插入 PDF

[英]Insert QR code into PDF using gem receipts in Ruby on Rails

I'm using gem 'receipts' by Chris Oliver, and I want to insert QRcode with payment details (to the footer section for example).我正在使用 Chris Oliver 的 gem“收据”,我想插入带有付款详细信息的 QRcode(例如到页脚部分)。 Models: Partner and Charge.型号:Partner 和 Charge。 I want QR code to contain model attributes, like these: charge.partner.iban, charge.amount and something like that.我希望二维码包含 model 个属性,例如:charge.partner.iban、charge.amount 等等。 Charge .rb has method receipt: Charge .rb 有方法收据:

  def receipt
      details: [
        ["Receipt Number", "123"],
        ["Date paid", Date.today],
        ["Payment method", "ACH super long super long super long super long super long"]
        company: {
          name: "Example, LLC",
          address: "123 Fake Street\nNew York City, NY 10012",
          email: "support@example.com",
          logo: File.expand_path("./app/assets/images/logo.png")
        recipient: [
          "City, State Zipcode",
        line_items: [
          ["<b>Item</b>", "<b>Unit Cost</b>", "<b>Quantity</b>", "<b>Amount</b>"],
          ["Subscription", "$19.00", "1", "$19.00"],
          [nil, nil, "Subtotal", "$19.00"],
          [nil, nil, "Tax", "$1.12"],
          [nil, nil, "Total", "$20.12"],
          [nil, nil, "<b>Amount paid</b>", "$20.12"],
          [nil, nil, "Refunded on #{Date.today}", "$5.00"]
        footer: "Thanks for your business. Please contact us if you have any questions."

charges_controller has: charges_controller 有:

  def show
    respond_to do |format|
      format.pdf { send_pdf }
    def send_pdf
      send_data @charge.receipt.render,
        filename: "#{@charge.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-gorails-receipt.pdf",
        type: "application/pdf",
        disposition: :inline # or :attachment to download


<%= link_to "View invoice", charge_path(@charge, format: :pdf) %>

I tried using prawn-qrcode, but couldn't make it.我尝试使用 prawn-qrcode,但无法成功。 Maximum what I get is something as line of text in the footer.我得到的最多是页脚中的文本行。 在此处输入图像描述 When I put this in receipts method:当我把它放在收据方法中时:

    qrcode = RQRCode::QRCode.new(self.partner.ico.to_s)
    png = qrcode.as_png(
      resize_gte_to: false,
      resize_exactly_to: false,
      fill: 'white',
      color: 'black',
      size: 120,
      border_modules: 4,
      module_px_size: 6,
      file: nil # path to write

and this in the footer: footer: ActionController::Base.helpers.image_tag(png.to_data_url)这在页脚中: footer: ActionController::Base.helpers.image_tag(png.to_data_url)

What should I do to insert QRcode with desired data?我应该怎么做才能插入带有所需数据的二维码? Is there any examples of similar task?有没有类似任务的例子? Thanks谢谢

Note : This is untested as-is but should work based on the documentation of the libraries themselves.注意:这是未经测试的,但应该基于库本身的文档工作。

receipts uses prawn to generate pdfs. receipts使用prawn生成 pdf。

Someone has created a QR Code renderer for prawn called prawn-qrcode which uses rqrcode so you may be able to use this as a simple bridge between the 2 libraries.有人为 prawn 创建了一个名为prawn-qrcode的 QR 代码渲染器,它使用rqrcode ,因此您可以将其用作两个库之间的简单桥梁。

Theoretical Example:理论例子:

def send_pdf
  receipt = @charge.receipt
  qr_code = RQRCode::QRCode.new(self.partner.ico.to_s)
  receipt.render_qr_code(qr_code, extent: 72)
  send_data receipt.render,
    filename: "#{@charge.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-gorails-receipt.pdf",
    type: "application/pdf",
    disposition: :inline # or :attachment to download

Additional Notes:附加条款:

  • You may have to play around with positioning eg render_qr_code(qr_code, pos: [x,y])您可能需要尝试定位,例如render_qr_code(qr_code, pos: [x,y])
  • I am not sure what self.partner.ico.to_s generates我不确定self.partner.ico.to_s生成了什么

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