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[英]How can I access my active notifications data?

I need to verify by an ID that comes inside the data field that I received from a firebase message.我需要通过我从 firebase 消息中收到的数据字段中的 ID 进行验证。 How can I access this field based on the active notifications?如何根据活动通知访问此字段?

The point is to remove the notification once a page with that ID is opened.重点是在打开具有该 ID 的页面后删除通知。

This is what I have to get the notifications这是我必须得到的通知


final List<ActiveNotification>? activeNotifications =
    await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin

that gives me the body, channelId, id, title and hascode.这给了我 body、channelId、id、title 和 hascode。

While RemoteMessage message gives me a lot more stuff including a map data.虽然 RemoteMessage 消息给了我更多的东西,包括 map 数据。

Is there a way to access this data field through the ActiveNotification?有没有办法通过 ActiveNotification 访问这个数据字段?

I'm trying to do the verification with a sample on the body, but it's not a really good pratice giving the circumstances of the project.我正在尝试用身体上的样本进行验证,但考虑到项目的情况,这并不是一个很好的做法。

What I receive from firebase is sent_at (date), service_id (the id I need to get to), id (other id but not so important), body, and title.我从 firebase 收到的是 sent_at(日期)、service_id(我需要到达的 id)、id(其他 id 但不那么重要)、body 和 title。

The service_id shouldn't be displayed in the notification tho, otherwise I'd get it through the notification body service_id 不应该显示在通知中,否则我会通过通知正文获取它

Whoever answered and deleted their answer, helped my a lot.谁回答并删除了他们的答案,对我帮助很大。 So I'm marking this as the solution because it worked.所以我将其标记为解决方案,因为它有效。 Thank you stranger.谢谢陌生人。

final Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final Future<SharedPreferences> _savedNotifications =

 _savedNotifications.then((saveNotifications) {
        "service_id_${message.messageId}", message.data["service_id"]);

  void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
    switch (state) {
      case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
      case AppLifecycleState.inactive:
      case AppLifecycleState.detached:
      case AppLifecycleState.paused:

  Future<String?> _getServiceId(title) async {

    _savedNotifications.then((saveNotifications) => saveNotifications.reload());
    return _savedNotifications.then((saveNotifications) {
        (value) => value.getKeys().forEach(
          (element) async {
            if (element.contains('service_id_')) {
              String serviceId = value.get(element).toString();

  void onResumed() async {
    final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    final List<ActiveNotification>? activeNotifications =
        await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin

    for (ActiveNotification notification in activeNotifications!) {
      String? serviceId = await _getServiceId(notification.title);


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