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如何在 wso2 Identity Server v. 5.11.0 中使用 Aruba 地址设置 [output_adapter.email]?

[英]How can I set [output_adapter.email] with Aruba address in wso2 Identity Server v. 5.11.0?

I'm trying to set an email sender (for example recovery password).我正在尝试设置 email 发件人(例如恢复密码)。 I already set with a Gmail and Outlook address mail and it's work.我已经设置了 Gmail 和 Outlook 地址邮件,它的工作。 Now i nedd to configure an Aruba hostmail.现在我需要配置一个 Aruba hostmail。 this is my deployment.toml configuration module这是我的 deployment.toml 配置模块

from_address= "****@aruba.it"
username= "*****@****.it"
password= "******"
hostname= "smtps.aruba.it"
port= 465
enable_start_tls= true
enable_authentication= true
signature = "****"


Logs return日志返回

ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.event.output.adapter.email.EmailEventAdapter} - Event dropped at Output Adapter 'EmailPublisher' for tenant id '-1234', Error in message format, Could not connect to SMTP host: smtps.aruba.it, port: 465, response: -1 javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: smtps.aruba.it, port: 465, response: -1

I tried with smpts and smpt (it should be the same port 465).我尝试了 smpts 和 smpt(它应该是同一个端口 465)。 Can you tell me if it's not supported or something?你能告诉我它是否不受支持吗? THanks, i really need help:(谢谢,我真的需要帮助:(

I fixed it by adding these properties in deployment.toml file below this modules:我通过在这个模块下面的 deployment.toml 文件中添加这些属性来修复它:

from_address= "***@aruba.it"
username= "****"
password= "****!"
hostname= "smtps.aruba.it"
port= 465
enable_start_tls= true
enable_authentication= true
signature = "WSO2"



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