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如何更改 SwiftUI Picker 菜单项中图像的颜色?

[英]How to change color of Image within SwiftUI Picker menu-item?

I am writing a picker and it lists a bunch of icons.我正在写一个选择器,它列出了一堆图标。

Picker("Icons ", selection: $selectedIcon) {
    ForEach(icons, id: \.self) { icon in
        HStack {
            Image(systemName: icon)
            .foregroundColor(Color.red) // This doesn't work

In the above code, SwiftUI picker doesn't change the color of the icon to red in the picker's menu-item as per foreground color.在上面的代码中,SwiftUI 选择器不会根据前景颜色将选择器菜单项中的图标颜色更改为红色。 Any idea how to change color of an image within picker menu-item?知道如何在选择器菜单项中更改图像的颜色吗?

try using .foregroundStyle(.red, .blue) , works for me.尝试使用.foregroundStyle(.red, .blue) ,对我有用。

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