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[英]Blank lines in Android Studio Electric Eel

I recently updated Android Studio to the Electric Eel version and I noticed that the editor shows black lines even where there shouldn't be any.我最近将 Android Studio 更新到 Electric Eel 版本,我注意到编辑器显示黑线,即使在不应该有黑线的地方。 Seems like a waste of workspace space to me but I couldn't find anything in the settings.对我来说似乎是在浪费工作空间,但我在设置中找不到任何东西。

Android Studio: Android 工作室:




Does any of you have the same problem?你们有没有同样的问题?

You can: Change your theme and restart with clear cache android studio.您可以: 更改主题并使用清除缓存 android studio 重新启动。

Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints: i have disabled Inheritors, Usages and Code author. Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints:我禁用了 Inheritors、Usages 和 Code author。

Thanks to Zain.感谢赞恩。


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