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将数据(例如日志消息)从处理器传递到 Slack 或 LogMessage 处理器

[英]Pass data (e.g. log message) from processor to Slack or LogMessage processor

Suppose I want have a processor to send a Slack message and I want to reuse it from many other processors.假设我想要一个处理器来发送 Slack 消息,并且我想从许多其他处理器中重用它。 Eg one might need to send "file received" while another might send "failed to unzip file", etc. I'd rather have a single PutSlack processor and set the Webhook Text property to #{logPrefix} -- ${message} .例如,一个人可能需要发送“文件已收到”,而另一个人可能需要发送“无法解压缩文件”等。我宁愿有一个PutSlack处理器并将Webhook Text属性设置为#{logPrefix} -- ${message} That way all of the other processors can use this single processor to post a message in the Slack channel.这样所有其他处理器都可以使用这个单个处理器在 Slack 通道中发布消息。

Yes, a single PutSlack is enough, you can configure PutSlack processor properties to dynamically evaluate their values from the incoming FlowFile attributes since all the properties Supports Expression Language .是的,一个PutSlack就足够了,您可以配置PutSlack处理器属性以根据传入的 FlowFile 属性动态评估它们的值,因为所有属性都Supports Expression Language

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