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embedding.dylibs 和 unix 可执行文件在 Mac OS 的 Flutter 桌面应用程序中

[英]embedding .dylibs and unix executable in a Flutter desktop app for Mac OS

I'd like to build a Mac OS application that embeds a "unix executable file" and it's.dylibs, but i don't know how to sign them so that the mac allows the user to execute the flutter app.我想构建一个嵌入“unix 可执行文件”及其 .dylibs 的 Mac OS 应用程序,但我不知道如何对它们进行签名,以便 mac 允许用户执行 flutter 应用程序。


The unix file and it's.dylibs are a part of the Hugin application: a solution would be to force the user to install Hugin before, and use it's path ( /Applications/Hugin/PTBatcherGUI.app/Contents/MacOS/enfuse ) but it is not as seamless for the enduser. unix 文件及其 .dylibs 是 Hugin 应用程序的一部分:一个解决方案是强制用户之前安装 Hugin,并使用它的路径 ( /Applications/Hugin/PTBatcherGUI.app/Contents/MacOS/enfuse ) 但它对于最终用户来说不是无缝的。

I've seen this documentation: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platform-integration/macos/c-interop#compiled-dynamic-library-macos but it did not understood very well how to allow the embed of the unix file, and how to sign it.我看过这个文档: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platform-integration/macos/c-interop#compiled-dynamic-library-macos但它不太了解如何允许嵌入unix 文件,以及如何签名。

Does someone knows where i could find a lead?有人知道我在哪里可以找到线索吗?

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