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为什么 PostgreSQL 中的 LIMIT 和 OFFSET (OFFSET...ROWS FETCH FIRST...ROW only) 函数不起作用?

[英]Why LIMIT и OFFSET (OFFSET ... ROWS FETCH FIRST ... ROW only) functions in PostgreSQL are not working?

I am trying to use LIMIT and OFFSET functions or OFFSET... ROWS FETCH FIRST... ROW only.我正在尝试使用 LIMIT 和 OFFSET 函数或 OFFSET...ROWS FETCH FIRST...仅行。 PostgreSQL gives me the wrong number of rows in result. PostgreSQL 结果中的行数错误。

select user_id, max(order_ts) as lastorder
from production.orders
group by user_id 
order by lastorder desc, user_id desc


select user_id, max(order_ts) as lastorder
from production.orders
group by user_id 
order by lastorder desc, user_id desc
limit 20 

Still gives me 20 rows (should be 10: from 10th row to 20th - is 10).仍然给我 20 行(应该是 10:从第 10 行到第 20 行 - 是 10)。

How is this?这怎么样? Any help, please?有什么帮助吗?

LIMIT 20 tells server to return not more than 20 records. LIMIT 20告诉服务器返回不超过 20 条记录。 FETCH FIRST 20 ONLY is absolutely the same. FETCH FIRST 20 ONLY是完全一样的。 The query might return 20 rows or less depending on the data and query conditions.根据数据和查询条件,查询可能返回 20 行或更少。 If you are trying to get rows from 11th to 20th then you need to specify LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 .如果您尝试获取第 11 到第 20 行,则需要指定LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10

See the paragraph LIMIT Clause in the documentation for details: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/sql-select.html#SQL-LIMIT有关详细信息,请参阅文档中的LIMIT 子句段落: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/sql-select.html#SQL-LIMIT

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