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Redux-Saga axios api 使用 access_token 调用获取请求不起作用。 这是为什么?

[英]Redux-Saga axios api call get request with access_token does not work. Why is that?

This is a react project using axios, redux, and redux-sagas.这是一个使用 axios、redux 和 redux-sagas 的 React 项目。

I am getting the following exception when trying to fetch all records from a table that are guarded.尝试从受保护的表中获取所有记录时出现以下异常。 I am using JWT on my laravel backend.我在 laravel 后端使用 JWT。 Login token is properly set inside local storage, I am guessing, it does not get passed properly.登录令牌已在本地存储中正确设置,我猜,它没有正确传递。

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'authService')
    at getAll (PostService.js:11:1)
    at runCallEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:524:1)
    at runEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:1204:1)
    at digestEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:1271:1)
    at next (redux-saga-core.esm.js:1161:1)
    at proc (redux-saga-core.esm.js:1108:1)
    at redux-saga-core.esm.js:585:1
    at immediately (redux-saga-core.esm.js:56:1)
    at runForkEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:584:1)
    at runEffect (redux-saga-core.esm.js:1204:1)

This is my page where I want to fetch every record from a table:这是我要从表中获取每条记录的页面:

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { getAllPostsAction } from "../../store/posts/slice";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { makeSelectPosts } from "../../store/posts/selector";

export const PostsPage = () => {
  const posts = useSelector(makeSelectPosts);
  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [dispatch]);


  return <h1>PostsPage</h1>;


import { call, put, all, fork, takeEvery } from "redux-saga/effects";
import { postService } from "../../services/PostService";
import { setAllPostsAction } from "./slice";
import { setSinglePostAction } from "./slice";

function* getPosts() {
  try {
    const response = yield call(postService.getAll);
    yield put(setAllPostsAction(response.data));
  } catch (err) {

function* getPostsSagaWatcher() {
  yield takeEvery("posts/getAllPostsAction", getPosts);


// I forked every watcher from a file down bellow in a file

This is how I fetch everything with axios:这就是我使用 axios 获取所有内容的方式:

import { authService } from "./AuthService";
import axios from "axios";

class PostService {
  constructor() {
    this.authService = authService;

  async getAll() {
    return await axios.get("", {
      headers: this.authService.getHeaders(),


getHeaders() looks like this: getHeaders() 看起来像这样:

getHeaders() {
    return {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${window.localStorage.getItem("loginToken")}`,

I've tried to fetch every record in a table and setting it to component state (useState hook) on component mount which worked like a charm.我试图获取表中的每条记录并将其设置为组件挂载上的组件 state(useState 挂钩),这非常有效。 So the issue is most likely the way I dispatch sagas.所以问题很可能是我发送传奇的方式。

yield call(postService.getAll);

Since you havn't specified what the value of this should be, postService.getAll gets called using undefined for this .由于您没有指定this的值,因此使用undefined for this调用postService.getAll So when the function tries to access this.authService , it throws an error.因此,当 function 尝试访问this.authService时,它会抛出错误。

call has several alternate ways you can use it to specify the value of this . call有几种替代方法,您可以使用它来指定this的值。 All of the following will work:以下所有内容都将起作用:

yield call([postService, postService.getAll])
// or
yield call([postService, 'getAll'])
// or
yield call({ context: postService, fn: postService.getAll })

See also: https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/api/#callfn-args另见: https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/api/#callfn-args

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