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你如何清除/刷新 GKE 中的 kube-dns 缓存

[英]How do you clear/flush kube-dns cache in GKE

How do you clear the Kube-dns cache in Google Kube.netes. Google Kube.netes 中如何清除 Kube-dns 缓存。


Unlike kube-dns cloud dns won't maintain any servers instead it caches data locally in each node.与 kube-dns cloud dns 不同,它不会维护任何服务器,而是在每个节点本地缓存数据。 Compute engine metadata server performs this function and we can't send any manual interrupts for clearing the cache from metadata servers.计算引擎元数据服务器执行此 function,我们无法发送任何手动中断来清除元数据服务器的缓存。

So, if you have configured a load balancer for exposing your gke environment to outer world you can perform cache invalidation and if you didn't configured any LB you can disable cloud dns and enable it again for maintaining the dns records first create a kube-dns deployment transfer the configs from cloud dns to kube-dns and now disable and re-enable cloud dns for gke.因此,如果您配置了一个负载均衡器以将您的 gke 环境暴露给外部世界,您可以执行 缓存失效,如果您没有配置任何 LB,您可以禁用云 dns 并再次启用它以维护 dns 记录首先创建一个 kube- dns 部署将配置从云 dns 传输到 kube-dns,现在为 gke 禁用并重新启用云 dns。

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