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尝试在 Netlify 上部署站点,链接无效

[英]Trying to deploy site on Netlify, link is not working

I was trying to manually deploy an html file on Netlify.我试图在 Netlify 上手动部署一个 html 文件。 Although it uploads successfully, the link created is always broken.虽然它上传成功,但创建的链接总是断开。 What should i do?我应该怎么办?

I tried to upload the folder multiple times to no avail.我尝试多次上传该文件夹无济于事。 I expected the site to run the simple HTML site i had to write for an Intro to Programming class.我希望该站点运行我必须为编程介绍 class 编写的简单 HTML 站点。

You may have already tried this but Netlify needs an index.html file to display as the root page if you are manually uploading HTML files.你可能已经尝试过了,但是如果你手动上传 HTML 文件,Netlify 需要一个index.html文件来显示为根页面。

If your document has a different name (eg, mypage.html ), try naming it as index.html and reuploading it on https://app.netlify.com/drop .如果您的文档有不同的名称(例如, mypage.html ),请尝试将其命名为index.html并重新上传到https://app.netlify.com/drop

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