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我可以用什么不同的方式来写这个? - static bool M (int x) => x%2 == 0;

[英]What are the ways I can write this differently? - static bool M (int x) => x%2 == 0;

I'm currently studying for a test and I've looked up what Function, Action and Predicate mean and I know that only Action doesn't have a return value and Predicate returns a bool value which is what I need in my question.我目前正在学习测试,我已经查看了 Function、Action 和 Predicate 的意思,我知道只有 Action 没有返回值,而 Predicate 返回一个 bool 值,这是我在问题中需要的。 This is the code I got in the question:这是我在问题中得到的代码:

static bool M (int x) => x%2 == 0;

These are the potential answers given:这些是给出的潜在答案:

A) Func <bool, int> A = M;

B) Func <int, bool> B = M;

C) Action <int, bool> C = M;

D) Predicate <int> D = M;

Based on what I've learned and some simple logic it should be B and D, right?根据我所学和一些简单的逻辑,它应该是 B 和 D,对吗? Can someone confirm this for me?有人可以帮我确认一下吗?

Let's ask the compiler:让我们问编译器:


Clearly A) & C) are compiler errors.显然 A) & C) 是编译器错误。 So, B) & C) are correct.所以,B) & C) 是正确的。

The Func<int, bool> delegate for B) looks like this: B) 的Func<int, bool>委托如下所示:

public delegate TResult Func<in T, out TResult>(T arg);

And the Predicate<int> delegate for D) looks like this: D) 的Predicate<int>委托如下所示:

public delegate bool Predicate<in T>(T obj);

Both match the signature for M .两者都匹配M的签名。

You can call a static function by it's class. For example:您可以通过它的 class 来呼叫 static function。例如:

public class yourClass
> public static void DoSomething(bool isTrue)
> {
> //Here you can do some things
> }

if you want a function to return some value eg bool, string etc如果您想要 function 返回一些值,例如 bool、string 等

Public class yourClass
>public static bool DoSomething(bool isTrue)
>>return false;
>>return true;
bool isItTrue = yourClass.DoSomething(true);

A function that returns a value must always have a return value.返回值的 function 必须始终具有返回值。 If you remove the else-part from the example above, you will get an error that not all code returns a value.如果您从上面的示例中删除 else 部分,您将得到一个错误,即并非所有代码都返回一个值。

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