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Firebase 消息缺少 MongoDB 触发函数中的身份验证密钥:

[英]Firebase messaging missing Authentication key in MongoDB trigger functions:

Please I need help.我需要帮助。 I don't know what I am doing wrong.我不知道我做错了什么。 I am trying to send push notification from http request but I keep getting this error:我正在尝试从 http 请求发送推送通知,但我不断收到此错误:

The request was missing an Authentication Key.该请求缺少身份验证密钥。 Please, refer to section "Authentication" of the FCM documentation, at https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/server .请参阅 FCM 文档的“身份验证”部分,地址为https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/server

I am currently doing this:我目前正在这样做:

 const response =  await context.http.post({
    header:{"Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization":"key= Web Server Key"},
    "to": usersPushToken, // From FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();
    "notification": {
      "title": "Title", 
      "body": "body",
      "clickAction": 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK',
      "sound": 'default',
  encodeBodyAsJSON: true,

My web server key (Cloud Messaging API (Legacy)) I also tried API key:我的 web 服务器密钥(Cloud Messaging API (Legacy))我也试过 API 密钥: 云消息传递 API(旧版)

This was my fault (headers not header) .这是我的错(headers not header) But I will leave this answer for anyone using Flutter , MongoDB , and Firebase Messaging .但我会为使用FlutterMongoDBFirebase Messaging的任何人留下这个答案。

const response =  await context.http.post({
    "headers":{"Content-Type": ["application/json"],  //Must be in array
            "Authorization":["key= Web Server Key"]}, //Must be in array
    "to": usersPushToken, // From FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();
    "notification": {
      "title": "Title", 
      "body": "body",
      "clickAction": 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK',
      "sound": 'default',
  encodeBodyAsJSON: true,

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