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如果我没有特定的页脚文本/img args,我该如何制作 my.setFooter,它只是 null?

[英]How can i make my .setFooter so if i dont specific footer text/img args its just null?

How can i make my.setFooter the same as the rest of my embed?如何使 my.setFooter 与我嵌入的 rest 相同? To make it so if i dont specific footer text/img args its just null?要做到这一点,如果我没有特定的页脚文本/img 参数,它只是 null?

      .setTitle( args[1] ? args[1] : null)
      .setDescription( args[2] ? args[2] : null)
      .setFooter({ text: args[3], iconURL: args[4] })
      .setThumbnail( args[5] ? args[5] : null)
      .setImage( args[6] ? args[6] : null)
      .setColor( args[7] ? args[7] : null);

This is my current code, everything else works how i set it up however im not sure how to do that for.setFooter.这是我当前的代码,其他一切都按照我的设置方式工作,但我不确定如何为.setFooter 执行此操作。

You don't really need the ternary operator.你真的不需要三元运算符。 Just use args[1] || null只需使用args[1] || null args[1] || null . args[1] || null This expression resolves to either args[1] , or, if that's a falsy value , null .此表达式解析为args[1] ,或者,如果这是一个虚假值,则解析为null For your EmbedBuilder.setFooter() , you would do this:对于您的EmbedBuilder.setFooter() ,您可以这样做:

  // ...
    text: args[3] || null,
    iconURL: args[4] || null
  // ...

Here's a more detailed explanation of this:这是对此的更详细解释:
Take the expression a || b取表达式a || b a || b , given that a and b are of type any . a || b ,假设abany类型。 If a is a falsy value , this returns b .如果a假值,则返回b Otherwise, it returns a .否则,它返回a .
This also works with functions, as shown in the following example:这也适用于函数,如以下示例所示:

function a() { return 0; }
function b() { return -2048; }
function c() { return 4096 }
a || b  // Returns `-2048`
c || b  // Returns `4096`


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