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Rust:为什么我会收到错误 [E0507]:无法移出共享引用后面的“files.input_file”

[英]Rust: why do I get error [E0507]: cannot move out of `files.input_file` which is behind a shared reference

I have narrowed down my real life Rust code to the following:我已将现实生活中的 Rust 代码缩小为以下内容:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};

struct FileHandler {
    input_file: File,

impl FileHandler {
    fn setup(in_file_name: &str) -> Self {
        let i_file = File::open(in_file_name).unwrap();
        Self { input_file: i_file }

fn process_file(files: &FileHandler) {
    let lines = BufReader::new(files.input_file).lines();
    for _ln in lines {
        println!("one more line");

fn main() {
    let files = FileHandler::setup("foo.txt");

It does not compile with the message:它不编译消息:

cannot move out of `files.input_file` which is behind a shared reference
  --> demo.rs:16:32
16 |     let lines = BufReader::new(files.input_file).lines();
   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `files.input_file` has type `File`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

But precisely, I don't want to make a copy.但准确地说,我不想复制。 I just want to use the file I have already checked to be correct.我只想使用我已经检查过的文件。 I have tried with mutable references and fields.我尝试使用可变引用和字段。 Same error.同样的错误。

As the error implies, BufReader::new is attempting to move files.input_files , which is behind a shared reference ( &FileHandler ).正如错误所暗示的那样, BufReader::new正在尝试移动files.input_files ,它位于共享引用 ( &FileHandler ) 之后。 In order to have it not move files.input_file , use a reference to it instead:为了让它不移动files.input_file ,请改用对它的引用:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};

struct FileHandler {
    input_file: File,

impl FileHandler {
    fn setup(in_file_name: &str) -> Self {
        let i_file = File::open(in_file_name).unwrap();
        Self { input_file: i_file }

fn process_file(files: &FileHandler) {
    // --- CHANGED ---
    let lines = BufReader::new(&files.input_file).lines();

    for _ln in lines {
        println!("one more line");

fn main() {
    let files = FileHandler::setup("foo.txt");

This happens because BufReader is generic.发生这种情况是因为BufReader是通用的。 If you give it a value, it will move it, if you give it a reference it'll just use the reference instead.如果你给它一个值,它会移动它,如果你给它一个引用,它只会使用引用。 Take a look at " Understanding Ownership " from The Book for more information on how ownership works.查看 The Book 中的“ Understanding Ownership ”,了解有关所有权如何运作的更多信息。

let files = FileHandler::setup("foo.txt");

This creates a FileHandler struct which stores another struct called File in input_file property.这将创建一个FileHandler结构,它在input_file属性中存储另一个名为File的结构。

files struct has the ownership of it's properties. files结构拥有其属性的所有权。 So files owns input_file .所以files拥有input_file

If you directly use that input_file property like this:如果您像这样直接使用该input_file属性:


This means input_file 's ownership will be moved to that function.这意味着input_file的所有权将移至该 function。

But if you do this then what happens if I try to access files.input_file again?但是如果你这样做那么如果我再次尝试访问files.input_file会发生什么? Maybe inside of some_function , the struct stored in input_file property destroyed?也许在some_function内部,存储在input_file属性中的结构被破坏了?

So I can't use it anymore like files.input_file .所以我不能再像files.input_file那样使用它了。


Use the reference of input_file , so it is borrowed , not moved :使用input_file的引用,所以它是借用的,而不是移动的:


Or in this case of yours:或者在你的这种情况下:


(btw IMHO I can suggest that you can use new instead of setup . Creating a struct with some settings often managed by a new function. FileHandler::new() is much more familiar to Rust devs. Like BufReader::new() ) (顺便说一句,恕我直言,我建议您可以使用new而不是setup 。使用通常由new的 function 管理的一些设置创建结构。FileHandler FileHandler::new()对 Rust 开发人员来说更为熟悉。比如BufReader::new()

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