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[英]How to populate JSON data into HTML form with fetch()?

I want to populate HTML form input fields with JSON data I get from my API. I can display the data in a table with the following code, but I cannot make it work with a form.我想用我从 API 获得的 JSON 数据填充 HTML 表单输入字段。我可以使用以下代码在表中显示数据,但我无法使其与表单一起使用。 I tried to address the form with something like or instead of and, but it doesn't work.我试图用类似 or 而不是 and 来处理表单,但它不起作用。 Does anyone know if I can transform this code to work with a form?有谁知道我是否可以转换此代码以使用表单?

const url = "/api/contacts/" + localStorage.getItem("paraID");
fetch(url).then((res) => {
        res.json().then((data) => {
          if (data.length > 0) {
            var temp = "";
            data.forEach((itemData) => {
              temp += "<tr>";
              temp += "<td>" + itemData.studentID + "</td>";
              temp += "<td>" + itemData.nachname + "</td>";
              temp += "<td>" + itemData.studium + "</td>";
              temp += "<td>" + itemData.semester + "</td>";
              temp += "<td>" + itemData.deaktiviert + "</td></tr>";
            document.getElementById("myTable").innerHTML = temp;

The fetch function works, I can see the correct JSON data in the console. fetch function 有效,我可以在控制台中看到正确的 JSON 数据。 It looks like this: [{…}] 0: {studentID: 1, vorname: 'Marie', nachname: 'Bauer', strasse: '', plz: '', …} length: 1 [[Prototype]]: Array(0)它看起来像这样:[{…}] 0: {studentID: 1, vorname: 'Marie', nachname: 'Bauer', strasse: '', plz: '', …} length: 1 [[Prototype]]:数组(0)

I tried all the different options I found at stackoverflow (eg with jQuery), but they also don't work with a form.我尝试了我在 stackoverflow 上找到的所有不同选项(例如使用 jQuery),但它们也不适用于表单。

you can try this code:你可以试试这个代码:

   <form id="myForm">
        <input name="studentID" />
        <input name="nachname" />
        <input name="studium" />
        <input name="semester" />
        <input name="deaktiviert" />

   let exampleData = [{
    studentID: 'value',
    nachname: 'value',
    studium: 'value',
    semester: 'value',
    deaktiviert: 'value',

  const myForm = document.getElementById('myForm');

  exampleData.forEach((itemData) => {
    myForm['studentID'].value = itemData.studentID;
    myForm['nachname'].value = itemData.nachname;
    myForm['studium'].value = itemData.studium;
    myForm['semester'].value = itemData.semester;
    myForm['deaktiviert'].value = itemData.deaktiviert;

This is how I got it to work:这就是我让它工作的方式:

  1. deleted let = exampleData删除let = exampleData
  2. replaced exampleData.forEach((itemData) … with data.forEach((itemData) …将 exampleData.forEach((itemData exampleData.forEach((itemData) …替换为data.forEach((itemData) …
fetch(url).then((res) => {
  res.json().then((data) => {
    if (data.length > 0) {
      const myForm = document.getElementById("myForm");
      data.forEach((itemData) => {
        myForm["studentID"].value = itemData.studentID;
        myForm["nachname"].value = itemData.nachname;
        myForm["studium"].value = itemData.studium;
        myForm["semester"].value = itemData.semester;
        myForm["deaktiviert"].value = itemData.deaktiviert;

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