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无法在全新的 React Native 项目上安装 Pod

[英]Unable to Pod Install on a brand new React Native Project

Question title explains most of the issue.问题标题解释了大部分问题。 I am running on an M1 Mac, and after following all of the instructions here , I am unable to run any form of pod install .我在 M1 Mac 上运行,按照此处的所有说明操作后,我无法运行任何形式的pod install When I do, I am given the following error...当我这样做时,出现以下错误...

[!] Invalid `Podfile` file: undefined local variable or method
`min_ios_version_supported' for #<Pod::Podfile:0x000000010ed18c60>.

I've tried running bundle install followed by bundle exec pod install , but I am faced then with the same error.我试过先运行bundle install ,然后运行bundle exec pod install ,但我遇到了同样的错误。

I use yarn instead of npm, I've tried removing the node_modules and running yarn cache clean as per some other answer on this site, though I did not truly expect those to work.我使用 yarn 而不是 npm,我已经尝试删除node_modules并按照该站点上的其他答案运行yarn cache clean ,尽管我并不真正期望这些工作。

Additionally, my Podfile does contain the needed imports at the top of the file...此外,我的Podfile确实在文件顶部包含了所需的导入……

require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods'
require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules'

I've even tried to just manually enter a min_ios_version_supported at 12.4 because that is what my most recent project is working on.我什至尝试在12.4手动输入min_ios_version_supported ,因为这是我最近的项目正在进行的工作。 That gave me a different error, which I fixed again with a manual value entry, but that gave me a different more complicated error, essentially telling me I am better off actually solving the issue instead of patching it.这给了我一个不同的错误,我用手动值输入再次修复了这个错误,但这给了我一个不同的更复杂的错误,基本上告诉我最好实际解决问题而不是修补它。

Finally, I've tried adding the react-native.config.js file.最后,我尝试添加react-native.config.js文件。 Still receiving the same error仍然收到相同的错误

I've made plenty of React Native projects before, and noticed that this Podfile on my brand new project looks very different than Podfile s I've used in the past-- am I on a new version of React that is not yet optimized?我之前做过很多 React Native 项目,并注意到我全新项目中的这个Podfile看起来与我过去使用的Podfile非常不同——我是在使用尚未优化的新版本 React 吗?

At Podfile, min_ios_version_supported is in在 Podfile 中, min_ios_version_supported

require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods'

So, in '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods' , you change at line 29:因此,在'../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods'中,您在第 29 行更改:

def min_ios_version_supported
  return '12.4'


def min_ios_version_supported
  return '13.0'

After that, delete Podfile.lock, Pods and pod install again!之后,删除Podfile.lock、Pods和pod install重新安装!

Good luck!祝你好运!

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