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/ 添加到 vscode wsl 的顶部栏

[英]/ added to top bar in vscode wsl

I have an extremely frustrating issue, where somehow vscode is adding a "/" to the top bar and then when I go to open a WSL window, it throws errors and isn't usable...我有一个非常令人沮丧的问题,vscode 以某种方式在顶部栏中添加了一个“/”,然后当我 go 打开 WSL window 时,它会抛出错误并且无法使用...

I know for sure that this is causing the issue because at one point I had it solved it, but I don't know how I did it (the ultimate frustration) and again, not sure what I did but the problem is back.我确定这是导致问题的原因,因为我曾一度解决了它,但我不知道我是怎么做到的(最终的挫败感),而且我也不确定我做了什么,但问题又回来了。

EDIT: I found one way to reliably get past it, which was using the WSL terminal in the directory I want to open and running code.编辑:我找到了一种可靠地通过它的方法,即在我想打开并运行code.

Would appreciate anyone chiming in who has more insight, though..不过,如果有人插话谁有更多见识,我将不胜感激。

How do I edit this default on the top bar?如何在顶部栏上编辑此默认值?

(see highlighted image below) (见下面突出显示的图像)

I have tried reinstalling vscode我试过重新安装vscode

Thanks in advance提前致谢


As commented by @rioV8 the solution seems to be searching for window title正如@rioV8 所评论的那样,该解决方案似乎正在搜索window title

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