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在 Mongoose 中呈现页面之前,如何等待带有回调 function 的 for 循环完成

[英]How do I wait for a for loop with a callback function inside to finish before I render a page in Mongoose

I have a collection of users and products.我有一组用户和产品。 Every user has a 'cart' field which is an array of IDs of the products.每个用户都有一个“购物车”字段,它是产品 ID 的数组。 When a user clicks on the cart I need Mongoose to find the users cart, then loop through the array and for each item (the product ID) I need Mongoose to find the product in the products collection to display the image and the name.当用户点击购物车时,我需要 Mongoose 来找到用户购物车,然后遍历数组,对于每个项目(产品 ID),我需要 Mongoose 来在产品集合中找到产品以显示图像和名称。 The problem is that I don't know how to render the page only after all the products have been put into the cartItems array.问题是我不知道如何在所有产品都放入 cartItems 数组后才呈现页面。 This is my first time asking a question here, so please ask me anything if I didn't explain it well.这是我第一次在这里提问,所以如果我解释得不好,请问我。

app.get("/cart", (req, res) => {
    User.findById(req.user._id, (err, foundUser) => {
        if(!err) {
            let itemIDs = foundUser.cart;
            let cartItems = []

            for (const itemID of itemIDs) {
                Product.findById(itemID, (err, foundItem) => {
                    if(!err) {
                    } else {

            res.render("cart", {user: req.user, products: cartItems});
        } else {


There are multiple ways to achieve it.有多种方法可以实现它。

  1. You can find all items at once:您可以一次找到所有项目:

     Product.find({_id: {$in: itemIDs}}).then(...)
  2. Use async, await for readable code:使用异步,等待可读代码:

     app.get("/cart", async (req, res) => { const user = await User.findById(req.user._id); const itemIDs = user.cart; const items = await Product.find({_id: {$in: itemIDs}}); res.render("cart", {user: req.user, products: items}); }


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