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Python tkinter 文本小部件“已修改”事件似乎未正确触发

[英]Python tkinter text widget 'Modified' event doesn't seem to fire correctly

I wanted to monitor when the text in a tkinter Text widget was modified so that a user could save any new data they had entered.我想监视 tkinter Text小部件中的文本何时被修改,以便用户可以保存他们输入的任何新数据。 Then on pressing 'Save' I wanted to reset this.然后按“保存”我想重置它。

I bound the Text widget's <<Modified>> event to a function so that making any changes to the text would update the 'Save' button from 'disabled' to 'normal' state. After hitting the Save button I ran a function which reset the modified flag and disabled the Save button again until further changes were made.我将Text小部件的<<Modified>>事件绑定到 function,以便对文本进行任何更改都会将“保存”按钮从'disabled'更新为'normal' state。点击保存按钮后,我运行了一个 function,它重置了modified的标志并再次禁用“保存”按钮,直到进行进一步的更改。

But I found that it seemed to only fire the event once.但是我发现它似乎只触发一次事件。 Hitting Save didn't reset the button to a 'disabled' state, and editing the text didn't seem to affect the Save button's state either after the first time.点击保存并没有将按钮重置为'disabled' state,并且在第一次之后编辑文本似乎也没有影响保存按钮的 state。

Below is a minimal example to show how the flag doesn't seem to be reset.下面是一个最小的例子,展示了标志似乎没有被重置。


import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

def text_modified(event=None):
    status_label.config(text="Modified = True")

def reset():
    if not text_widget.edit_modified():
    status_label.config(text="Modified = False")

text_widget = tk.Text(root, width=30, height=5)
text_widget.bind("<<Modified>>", text_modified)

status_label = tk.Label(root, text="Modified = False")

reset_btn = tk.Button(root, text="Reset", command=reset)



It turns out that binding the <<Modified>> event to a function means that the function will run not when the Text widget text is changed, but whenever the modified flag is changed - whether it changes to True or to False .事实证明,将<<Modified>>事件绑定到 function 意味着 function 不会在Text小部件文本更改时运行,而是在modified标志更改时运行 - 无论它更改为True还是False So my Save button was saving the data, disabling itself, and resetting the modified flag to False , and this flag change fired the <<Modified>> event, which was bound to a function which un-disabled the Save button again.所以我的 Save 按钮正在保存数据,禁用自身,并将modified的标志重置为False ,并且此标志更改触发了<<Modified>>事件,该事件绑定到 function 再次取消禁用 Save 按钮。

Here's a minimal example which shows what's going on.这是一个显示正在发生的事情的最小示例。 We just need to adjust the function we've bound the <<Modified>> event to so that it deals with modified being False as well:我们只需要调整我们绑定<<Modified>>事件的 function,以便它也处理modifiedFalse的情况:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

def modified_flag_changed(event=None):
    if text_widget.edit_modified():
        status_label.config(text="Modified = True")
        print("Text modified")
        print("Modified flag changed to False")

def reset():
    if not text_widget.edit_modified():
        print("Doesn't need resetting")
    status_label.config(text="Modified = False")

text_widget = tk.Text(root, width=30, height=5)
text_widget.bind("<<Modified>>", modified_flag_changed)

status_label = tk.Label(root, text="Modified = False")

reset_btn = tk.Button(root, text="Reset", command=reset)


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