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[英]GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found ")"

I keep getting this error supposedly coming from typeDefs我一直收到这个错误,据说来自 typeDefs

import gql from 'graphql-tag';

const typeDefs = gql`
  type CustomerService {
    findAll(): [CustomerEntity]
    findOne(id: String!): CustomerEntity
    createCustomer(input: CreateCustomerInput!): CustomerEntity
    updateCustomer(id: String!, input: UpdateCustomerInput!): CustomerEntity
    deleteCustomer(id: String!): Boolean

  type Query {
    customers: [CustomerEntity]
    customer(id: String!): CustomerEntity

  type Mutation {
    createCustomer(input: CreateCustomerInput!): CustomerEntity
    updateCustomer(id: String!, input: UpdateCustomerInput!): CustomerEntity
    deleteCustomer(id: String!): Boolean

  type CustomerEntity {
    id: String
    name: String
    email: String

  input CreateCustomerInput {
    name: String!
    email: String!

  input UpdateCustomerInput {
    name: String
    email: String

export default typeDefs;

here goes my service这是我的服务

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CustomerEntity } from './entities/customer.entity';
import { CreateCustomerInput } from './dto/create-customer.input';
import { UpdateCustomerInput } from './dto/update-customer.input';
import { Sales } from '../sales/entity/sales.entity';

export class CustomerService {
  private customers: CustomerEntity[] = [];

  async createCustomer(input: CreateCustomerInput): Promise<CustomerEntity> {
    const customer = new CustomerEntity();
    customer.id = (this.customers.length + 1).toString();
    customer.firstName = input.firstName;
    customer.lastName = input.lastName;
    customer.email = input.email;
    customer.password = input.password;
    customer.sales = [new Sales()];
    return customer;

  async findAll(): Promise<CustomerEntity[]> {
    return this.customers;

  async findOne(id: string): Promise<CustomerEntity> {
    return this.customers.find((customer) => customer.id === id);

  async updateCustomer(
    id: string,
    input: UpdateCustomerInput,
  ): Promise<CustomerEntity> {
    const customerIndex = this.customers.findIndex(
      (customer) => customer.id === id,
    if (customerIndex === -1) {
      throw new Error('Customer not found');

    const customer = this.customers[customerIndex];
    if (input.firstName) {
      customer.firstName = input.firstName;
    if (input.lastName) {
      customer.lastName = input.lastName;
    if (input.email) {
      customer.email = input.email;
    if (input.password) {
      customer.password = input.password;

    this.customers[customerIndex] = customer;
    return customer;

  async deleteCustomer(id: string): Promise<boolean> {
    const customerIndex = this.customers.findIndex(
      (customer) => customer.id === id,
    if (customerIndex === -1) {
      throw new Error('Customer not found');

    this.customers.splice(customerIndex, 1);
    return true;


/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import { IResolvers } from '@graphql-tools/utils';
import { CustomerService } from './customer.service';

export class CustomerResolver implements IResolvers {
  [key: string]: any;

  constructor(private readonly customerService: CustomerService) {}

  Query = {
    customers: async (root, args, context, info) => {
      return this.customerService.findAll();
    customer: async (root, { id }, context, info) => {
      return this.customerService.findOne(id);

  Mutation = {
    createCustomer: async (root, { input }, context, info) => {
      return this.customerService.createCustomer(input);
    updateCustomer: async (root, { id, input }, context, info) => {
      return this.customerService.updateCustomer(id, input);
    deleteCustomer: async (root, { id }, context, info) => {
      return this.customerService.deleteCustomer(id);

I keep getting this error:我不断收到此错误:

return new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError(`Syntax Error: ${description}`, {
GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found ")".

Your findAll field of the CustomerService type does not have any arguments. Hence, the parenthesis does not make sense.您的CustomerService类型的findAll字段没有任何 arguments。因此,括号没有意义。 You have to remove them.你必须删除它们。

type CustomerService {
    findAll: [CustomerEntity]
    findOne(id: String!): CustomerEntity
    createCustomer(input: CreateCustomerInput!): CustomerEntity
    updateCustomer(id: String!, input: UpdateCustomerInput!): CustomerEntity
    deleteCustomer(id: String!): Boolean


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