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需要任何或 IBMi API 来验证地址是否存在

[英]Need any or IBMi API to validate address existence

I am in search of an IBMi API that could validate existence of an address, I am not sure if there is any native IBMi API that can do this, since all my search has exhausted.我正在寻找可以验证地址是否存在的 IBMi API,我不确定是否有任何本地 IBMi API 可以执行此操作,因为我的所有搜索都已耗尽。

I tried looking at validateaddress api provided by google, but am not sure if that can be invoked from an IBMi SQLRPGLE program.我尝试查看 google 提供的 validateaddress api,但不确定是否可以从 IBMi SQLRPGLE 程序中调用它。 (I am okay if anyone could point me in the direction to integrate this service with my IBMi program). (如果有人能指出将此服务与我的 IBMi 程序集成的方向,我没问题)。

https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/address-validation/demo https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/address-validation/demo

I am open to any thoughts/ suggestions on this topic.我愿意接受有关此主题的任何想法/建议。

I don't know what kind of API Google exposes.我不知道谷歌公开了什么样的 API 。 Maybe you want to have a look at this IT Jungle Article about how to use SQL to connect to an API service for a start.也许您想看看这篇关于如何使用 SQL 连接到 API 服务的 IT Jungle 文章

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