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如何将 Vue 属性值添加到背景图像

[英]how to add Vue props value to background-image

I'm new in VueJS and I get confused to change background image from Vue props value.我是 VueJS 的新手,我对从 Vue 道具值更改背景图片感到困惑。

I've created simple table from 'vue3-easy-data.table'.我从“vue3-easy-data.table”创建了简单的表格。



<script setup lang="ts">
  changeImg: {
    type: String,



.vue3-easy-data-table__message {
  background-image: url("`${v-bind("changeImg")}`");
  /*  background-image: var(--image-url); */
  /* background-image: url('@/assets/img/noDataMultiplierOnCity.svg'); */



  :changeImg= "image"

<script lang="ts" setup>

const image : string = "'@/assets/img/noDataMultiplierOnCity.svg'" 


I've tried solution from this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42872002/in-vue.js-component-how-to-use-props-in-css but no gain.我试过这个链接https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42872002/in-vue.js-component-how-to-use-props-in-css的解决方案,但没有收获。

Already tried as in the comments in the code, in this case I can just style the component in style tag cause the class is from 'vue3-easy-data.table' (maybe have another way to apply style to it?)已经按照代码中的注释进行了尝试,在这种情况下,我可以只在样式标签中设置组件样式,因为 class 来自“vue3-easy-data.table”(也许有另一种方法可以对其应用样式?)

I want to make the background image from BaseTable so it can be reused in other file.我想从BaseTable制作背景图像,以便它可以在其他文件中重复使用。

I hope I understood you right and this example will help you我希望我理解正确,这个例子会对你有所帮助


<div :style="styleExample" />


let styleExample = { 'width': props.examplePro }

One way to solve this is to use an inline reactive style.解决这个问题的一种方法是使用内联响应式样式。 For example you could give your script a method that convers the prop into a style, one that holds the image and any other defining features:例如,您可以为您的脚本提供一种将道具转换为一种样式的方法,该样式包含图像和任何其他定义特征:

  <EasyDataTable  :style="backgroundStyles(image)">

<script setup>
  changeImg: {
    type: String,

 const backgroundStyles = (img) => {
   return {
     'background-image': `url(${img})`,
     'background-size': 'cover'




App.vue App.vue

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import BaseTable from './BaseTable.vue'
import BaseTable2 from './BaseTable2.vue'

const msg = ref('Hello World!')
const imageUrl = ref("https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/SWx64q2g3wax53Xz5H4QjS-970-80.jpg.webp");

  <h1>{{ msg }}</h1>
  <input v-model="msg">
  <BaseTable :image="imageUrl"/>
  <BaseTable2 :image="imageUrl"/>


  <div class="bkgrnd" :style="backgroundStyles(image)">
      Base Table
    <ul v-for="index in 8" :key="index">
      <li>Index: {{ index }}</li>

<script setup>
 const props = defineProps(['image'])
 const backgroundStyles = (img) => {
   return {
     'background-image': `url(${img})`,
     'background-size': 'cover'

<style scoped>
  .bkgrnd {
    color: white;
    font-style: bold;

Solution using the prop in the CSS使用 CSS 中的 prop 解决

Another way to do this can be to avoid inline styles and instead display the background image in the <style> CSS code.另一种方法是避免内联 styles,而是在<style> CSS 代码中显示背景图像。 To do this, I would use a computed property to create a URL from the prop, something like:为此,我将使用计算属性从 prop 创建一个 URL,类似于:

const computedUrl = computed(() => {
  return `url(${props.image})`;

Code example,代码示例,

BaseTable2.vue BaseTable2.vue

  <div class="bkgrnd">
      Base Table 2
    <ul v-for="index in 8" :key="index">
      <li>Index: {{ index }}</li>

<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps(['image'])

const computedUrl = computed(() => {
  return `url(${props.image})`;

<style scoped>
  .bkgrnd {
    color: white;
    font-style: bold;
    background-image: v-bind(computedUrl);

Both examples can be found at the Vue SFC Playground这两个示例都可以在Vue SFC 游乐场找到

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