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从 Apache NiFi 中的数组中提取值

[英]Extract the value from an array in Apache NiFi

I have a JSON with this structure:我有一个 JSON 这种结构:

  "documentos": [
      "valorNota": 229.2,
      "tipoDocumento": "PRE_NOTA_FISCAL",
      "cnpjEmissorNota": "02130525000177",
      "cnpjRemetente": "02130525000177",
      "cnpjUnidade": "02130525000177",
      "cnpjDestinatario": "14586674000124",
      "valorFreteRealizadoNota": 0,
      "serie": "1",
      "valorFreteCalculadoNota": 1000,
      "tipoOperacao": "SAIDA",
      "dataEmissao": "2022-12-05 11:03:00",
      "numeroNota": 744659
  "dataEmissaoConhecimento": "2022-12-05 11:03:00.0",
  "localizacaoDestinoConhecimento": 3002171,
  "localizacaoOrigemConhecimento": 3001956,
  "cepOrigemConhecimento": 44079006,
  "cepDestinoConhecimento": 48880000,
  "valorFreteRealizadoConhecimento": 0,
  "oidConhecimento": 10802880097,
  "valorFreteCalculadoConhecimento": 1000

I need to extract the value of "numeroNota" (can be with EvaluateJsonPath or other processor).我需要提取"numeroNota"的值(可以使用EvaluateJsonPath或其他处理器)。

How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?


One option is to use a shift transformation spec within a JoltTransformJSON processor such as一种选择是在JoltTransformJSON处理器中使用移位转换规范,例如

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "docu*": { //the level of "documentos" array
        "*": { //the indexes of the array
          "numeroN*": "" //yields the value of the attribute without any wrapper

which returns 744659 as result for the current case返回744659作为当前案例的结果

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