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Dapper 扩展 Class 映射器

[英]Dapper Extension Class Mapper

Table -1表格1

Create Table GuestMessageDetails(

id bigint primary  key identity(1,1),
companyname  varchar(250),

FirstName   varchar(250),

FamilyName   varchar(250), 

EmialAdress   varchar(250),

Telephone   bigint,

Country   varchar(250),

ArticleNumber   varchar(250),

SoftwareVersion   varchar(250),

SerialNumber   varchar(250),

PurchaseDate varchar(250),

OrderNumber   varchar(250))

Table -2表-2

Create Table ProductTable (Id bigint primary key identity(1,1),
ArticleImage    varchar(250),
ArticleNumber    Varchar(250))

model model

 public class MessageModel
        public string? companyname { get; set; }

        public string? FirstName { get; set; }

        public string? FamilyName { get; set; }

        public string? EmialAdress { get; set; }

        public long Telephone { get; set; }

        public string? Country { get; set; }

        public string? ArticleNumber {get;set;}

        public string? ArticleImage { get; set; }

        public string? SoftwareVersion { get; set; }

        public string? SerialNumber { get; set; }

         public  string? PurchaseDate { get; set; }

         public string? OrderNumber { get; set; }

Now I Want Dapper Extension common two table Class Mapper in Dapper Extension现在我要Dapper Extension公用两张表Class Mapper in Dapper Extension

how create Make Create Respository or Controller如何创建 Make Create Respository 或 Controller

I have Generic Repository Now I Want Two Table Common Generic Class Mapper我有通用存储库,现在我想要两个表通用通用 Class 映射器

You are trying to map two tables with one Model (POCO/Entity) class. This is not supported by Dapper-Extensions.您正在尝试 map 两个表与一个 Model(POCO/实体)class。Dapper-Extensions 不支持。

Dapper-Extensions mapping is something like below: Dapper-Extensions 映射如下所示:

public sealed class ProductMapper : ClassMapper<Product>
    public ProductMapper()
        Map(x => x.Id).Key(KeyType.Guid);

Observe that:观察到:

  • the mapper class is derived from ClassMapper<T> where for T you provide your Model class.映射器 class 派生自ClassMapper<T> ,其中T提供您的 Model class。
  • the Table("Products"); Table("Products"); call allows to input only one table name. call 只允许输入一个表名。

Dapper-Extensions is designed to generate simple queries for you which may reduce your 80-90% of the SQL code and make it reusable. Dapper-Extensions 旨在为您生成简单的查询,这可能会减少 80-90% 的 SQL 代码并使其可重用。 For any complex scenario, you should fall-back to Dapper.对于任何复杂的场景,您都应该回退到 Dapper。 Writing the query by hand helps best in those complex cases.在那些复杂的情况下,手动编写查询最有帮助。

I am not sure whether creating View on SQL Server and mapping to it will help or not;我不确定在 SQL 服务器上创建视图并映射到它是否有帮助; it may not be practical solution as well.它也可能不是实际的解决方案。

If you want to use ORM for complex scenario as well, consider using full ORM like NHibernate.如果你也想将 ORM 用于复杂场景,请考虑使用完整的 ORM,如 NHibernate。

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