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如何在用户单击提交按钮之前以 react-hook-form 触发 yup 验证?

[英]How to trigger yup validation in react-hook-form before the user is clicking the submit button?

I'm using react-hook-form with yup validation and MUI components in my react TypeScript app.我在我的 react TypeScript 应用程序中使用带有 yup 验证和 MUI 组件的 react-hook-form。 The errors from the yup validation is showed only after the user is trying to submit the form (clicking on the submit button). yup 验证的错误仅在用户尝试提交表单(单击提交按钮)后显示。 I want the user to see the fields errors before the submit.我希望用户在提交之前看到字段错误。

Thank you all!谢谢你们!

Yup schema:是的架构:

export default function signUpSchema(existingUsernames: string[]) {
return yup.object().shape({
    firstName: yup
        .required('First name is a required field')
        .matches(/^\S*$/, 'No whitespaces allowed')
        .matches(/^[^\d]+$/, 'No numbers allowed')
        .max(20, 'First name must be at most 20 characters'),
    lastName: yup
        .required('Last name is a required field')
        .matches(/^\S*$/, 'No whitespaces allowed')
        .matches(/^[^\d]+$/, 'No numbers allowed')
        .max(20, 'Last name must be at most 20 characters'),
    username: yup
        .required('Username is a required field')
        .matches(/^\S*$/, 'No whitespaces allowed')
        .max(20, 'Username must be at most 20 characters')
        .notOneOf(existingUsernames, 'Username already taken'),
    password: yup
        .required('Password is a required field')
        .min(4, 'Password must be at least 4 characters')
        .matches(/^\S*$/, 'No whitespaces allowed')
        .max(20, 'Password must be at most 20 characters'),

} }


const {
    formState: { errors, isValid },
} = useForm<SignUpFormValues>({
    resolver: yupResolver(signUpSchema(data ? data.usernames : [])),

return (
        <Typography>Sign up to NoStress</Typography>

        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
                label="First Name"
                helperText={errors.firstName ? errors.firstName.message : ''}
            <br />
                label="Last Name"
                helperText={errors.lastName ? errors.lastName.message : ''}
            <br />
                helperText={errors.username ? errors.username.message : ''}
            <br />
                type={showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'}
                helperText={errors.password ? errors.password.message : ''}
                    endAdornment: (
                        <InputAdornment position="end">
                            <IconButton onClick={togglePasswordVisibility}>
                                {showPassword ? (
                                    <VisibilityOff />
                                ) : (
                                    <Visibility />
            <br />
            <Link href="/signin">
                <Typography>Already have an account? Sign in.</Typography>
            <Button type="submit" variant="contained" disabled={!isValid}>
                Sign Up

Look at the component from 'react-hook-form'查看来自“react-hook-form”的组件

read about that: https://react-hook-form.com/api/usecontroller/controller阅读相关内容: https://react-hook-form.com/api/usecontroller/controller

You can set the validation mode to onChange inside the useForm function. This way, every time the user types, the validation will get executed.您可以在useForm function 中将验证模式设置为onChange 。这样,每次用户键入时,都会执行验证。

More info here: UseForm - React Hook Form此处提供更多信息: UseForm - React Hook Form

If instead you want to validate the fields whenever you want, and not when the user changes the input, you can use the trigger function from React Hook Form.相反,如果您想随时验证字段,而不是在用户更改输入时验证字段,则可以使用 React Hook Form 中的触发器 function

Feel free to ask anything else!随时问任何其他问题!

-Ado -阿多

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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