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Excel 删除行时删除复选框

[英]Excel Checkbox delete when row is deleted

I want too auto delete the checkboxes when i delete the row, is there a way to do this.我也想在删除行时自动删除复选框,有没有办法做到这一点。 I already tried asking ChatGPT but that didnt work I tried some scripts i found here but still doesnt work.我已经尝试询问 ChatGPT,但没有用 我尝试了一些我在这里找到的脚本,但仍然没有用。 If anyone could help me outhere that would be greatly appreciate.如果有人能帮助我,那将不胜感激。

 I expected the scripts that i tried to work
  1. Add sample data and your current attempt to fix the issue添加示例数据和您当前尝试解决的问题
  2. Make sure the names of the checkboxes are shown确保显示复选框的名称

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