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如何在flutter中更改package apk安装程序的名称?

[英]How to change the name of package apk installer in flutter?

I change my app name from AndroidManifest.xml but I want change name of package installer.我从 AndroidManifest.xml 更改了我的应用程序名称,但我想更改 package 安装程序的名称。

How can I change "app-release" to anything I want?如何将“app-release”更改为我想要的任何内容?

How to change app-release?如何更改应用程序版本?


I change my app name from AndroidManifest.xml, but I can't change name of package installer我从 AndroidManifest.xml 更改了我的应用程序名称,但我无法更改 package 安装程序的名称

This is mainly a question about Android build, not flutter. To change the output file name you can add this code into android/app/bundle.gradle这主要是关于 Android 构建的问题,而不是 flutter。要更改 output 文件名,您可以将此代码添加到android/app/bundle.gradle

android {
    // ...

    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.all {
            outputFileName = "yourname.apk"

Even when you run the command flutter build apk you will see the wrong name in the output (I guess that's a flutter issue), but no worries, your file name will be correct:即使您运行命令flutter build apk ,您也会在 output 中看到错误的名称(我猜这是 flutter 的问题),但不用担心,您的文件名将是正确的:


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