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如何从 .NET Framework 4.8 项目创建 .EXE 文件?

[英]How can I create an .EXE file from .NET Framework 4.8 project?

As the question states, How can I create an.EXE file from .NET Framework 4.8 project?如问题所述,如何从 .NET Framework 4.8 项目创建 .EXE 文件? This is a Windows Forms Application.这是一个 Windows Forms 应用程序。

When I publish my application, I get the following files/directory created:当我发布我的应用程序时,我创建了以下文件/目录:


I can run the setup.exe file to download the application, and from there can open the application from my system or through the TapeRedGreen.application file.我可以运行 setup.exe 文件来下载应用程序,然后可以从我的系统或通过 TapeRedGreen.application 文件打开应用程序。

Many other users have had an issue in their project properties where there output type is set to Class Library, but I can verify mine is set correctly:许多其他用户在他们的项目属性中遇到问题,其中 output 类型设置为 Class 库,但我可以验证我的设置是否正确:


I would like to instead have a TapeRedGreen.exe file that will run the program/application, avoiding having to run the setup/install.exe.我想要一个 TapeRedGreen.exe 文件来运行程序/应用程序,避免必须运行 setup/install.exe。 How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

You can just build the application and then look in the output folder (under the bin folder of your project).您可以只构建应用程序,然后查看 output 文件夹(在项目的bin文件夹下)。

The target folder will have the same name of the configuration selected for the build (debug or release).目标文件夹将具有与为构建(调试或发布)选择的配置相同的名称。

The last row of the output console will give you the full path. output 控制台的最后一行将为您提供完整路径。

A quick tutorial from Microsoft:来自 Microsoft 的快速教程:
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/walkthrough-building-an-application?view=vs-2022 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/walkthrough-building-an-application?view=vs-2022

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