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[英]search through regex pattern in a file

I have a file with data in below format我有一个包含以下格式数据的文件

abc {u_bit_top/connect_down/u_FDIO[6]/u_latch}
ghi {u_bit_top/seq_connect/p_REDEIO[9]/ff_latch
def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

I want to search for pattern *bit_top*FDIO* and *bit_top*REDEIO* in the file in each line and delete the complete line if pattern is found.我想在每一行的文件中搜索模式*bit_top*FDIO**bit_top*REDEIO* ,如果找到模式则删除整行。 I want output as我想要 output 作为

def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

I did using sed like sed "/bit_top/d;/FDIO/d;/REDEIO/d;"我确实使用了 sed 就像sed "/bit_top/d;/FDIO/d;/REDEIO/d;" but this deletes the line having bit_top and FDIO and REDEIO separately.但这会删除分别具有bit_topFDIOREDEIO的行。 How I can search for above pattern and delete the line containing it.我如何搜索上述模式并删除包含它的行。 Shell or TCL anything will be useful. Shell 或 TCL 任何东西都会有用。

Since you tagged 因为你标记

set fh [open "filename"]
set contents [split [read -nonewline $fh] \n]
close $fh
set filtered [lsearch -inline -not -regexp $contents {bit_top.*(FDIO|REDEIO)}]

results in结果是

def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

lsearch documentation .lsearch文档

But really all you need for this is 但实际上你只需要

grep -Ev 'bit_top.*(FDIO|REDEIO)' filename

You've been close;你一直很亲密; ;) ;)

sed '/bit_top.*FDIO/d' input

Just input a regex to sed that matches what you want...只需将正则表达式输入 sed 即可匹配您想要的...

Using sed使用sed

$ sed -E '/bit_top.*(REDE|FD)IO/d' input_file
def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

You might use GNU AWK for this task following way, let file.txt content be您可以按照以下方式使用 GNU AWK完成此任务,让file.txt内容为

abc {u_bit_top/connect_down/u_FDIO[6]/u_latch}
ghi {u_bit_top/seq_connect/p_REDEIO[9]/ff_latch
def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]


awk '/bit_top/&&(/FDIO/||/REDEIO/){next}{print}' file.txt

gives output给出 output

def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

Explanation: if lines contain bit_top AND ( FDIO OR REDEIO ) then go to next line ie skip it.解释:如果行包含bit_top AND ( FDIO OR REDEIO ) 那么 go 到next行,即跳过它。 If that did not happen line is just print ed.如果那没有发生,那一行就被print

(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1) (在 GNU Awk 5.0.1 中测试)

With a small change you can implement the compound pattern (eg, *bit_top*FDIO* ) in sed .稍作改动,您就可以在 sed 中实现复合模式(例如*bit_top*FDIO* sed

A couple variations on OP's current sed : OP 当前sed的几个变体:

# daisy-chain the 2 requirements:

$ sed "/bit_top.*FDIO/d;/bit_top.*REDEIO/d" file
def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

# enable "-E"xtended regex support:

$ sed -E "/bit_top.*(FDIO|REDEIO)/d" file
def {u_bit_top/connect_up/shift_reg[7]

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