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使用 VirtualBox 中的 Helm 在 Kube.netes 中设置 Nifi 以与 Kafa 一起使用

[英]Setting up Nifi for use with Kafa in Kubernetes using Helm in a VirtualBox

I need to set up NiFi in Kube.netes (microk8s), in a VM (Ubuntu, using VirtualBox) using a helm chart.我需要在 Kube.netes (microk8s) 中使用 helm chart 在虚拟机(Ubuntu,使用 VirtualBox)中设置 NiFi。 The end goal is to have two-way communication with Kafka, which is also already deployed in Kube.netes.最终目标是与 Kafka 进行双向通信,Kafka 也已经部署在 Kube.netes 中。

I have found a helm chart for NiFi available through Cetic here .我在 Cetic here找到了 NiFi 的 helm chart。 Kafka is already set up to allow external access through a NodePort, so my assumption is that I should do the same for NiFi (at least for simplicity's sake), though any alternative solution is welcome. Kafka 已经设置为允许通过 NodePort 进行外部访问,所以我的假设是我应该为 NiFi 做同样的事情(至少为了简单起见),尽管欢迎任何替代解决方案。

From the documentation, there is NodePort access optionality:从文档中,有 NodePort 访问可选性:

NodePort: Exposes the service on each Node's IP at a static port (the NodePort). NodePort:将每个Node的IP上的服务暴露在一个static端口(NodePort)。 You'll be able to contact the NodePort service, from outside the cluster, by requesting NodeIP:NodePort.您将能够通过请求 NodeIP:NodePort 从集群外部联系 NodePort 服务。

Additionally, the documentation states (paraphrasing):此外,文档状态(释义):

service.type defaults to NodePort service.type 默认为 NodePort

However, this does not appear to be true for the helm file, given that the default value in the chart's values.yaml file has service.type=ClusterIP .但是,这对于 helm 文件似乎并非如此,因为图表的values.yaml 文件中的默认值具有service.type=ClusterIP

I have very little experience with any of these technologies, so my question is, how do I actually set up the NiFi helm chart YAML file to allow two-way communication (presumably via NodePorts)?我对这些技术的经验很少,所以我的问题是,我如何实际设置 NiFi helm chart YAML 文件以允许双向通信(大概通过 NodePorts)? Is it as simple as "requesting NodeIP:NodePort", and if so, how do I do this?它是否像“请求 NodeIP:NodePort”一样简单,如果是,我该怎么做?


I attempted JM Robles's approach (which does not use helm), but the API version used for Ingress is out-of-date and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it.我尝试了JM Robles 的方法(不使用 helm),但用于 Ingress 的 API 版本已经过时,我一直无法弄清楚如何修复它。

I also tried GetInData's approach , but the helm commands provided result in: Error: unknown command "nifi" for "helm" .我也尝试了 GetInData 的方法,但提供的 helm 命令导致: Error: unknown command "nifi" for "helm"

I found an answer, for any faced with a similar problem.对于任何遇到类似问题的人,我都找到了答案。 As of late January 2023, the following can be used to set up NiFi as described in the question:截至 2023 年 1 月下旬,以下内容可用于按照问题中的描述设置 NiFi:

helm remo add cetic https://cetic.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm install -n <namespace> --set persistence.enabled=True --set service.type=NodePort --set properties.sensitiveKey=<key you want> --set auth.singleUser.username=<your username> --set auth.singleUser.password=<password you select, must be at least 12 characters> nifi cetic/nifi

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