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使用 tuckey urlRewrite 重写到不同的上下文

[英]Rewrite to different context using tuckey urlRewrite

We have a web application which runs on root(/) context and we have the content provider which runs on different context (/BK/).我们有一个在 root(/) 上下文中运行的 web 应用程序,我们有在不同上下文 (/BK/) 中运行的内容提供程序。 We need to map the request from the content provide https://provider.com/BK/ to https://myapp.com/我们需要 map 请求从内容提供https://provider.com/BK/https://myapp.com/

We don't want the client URL to be updated with this.我们不希望使用此更新客户端 URL。 It's basically a rewrite rather than redirect.它基本上是重写而不是重定向。

How can I achieve this using tuckey urlrewrite rule?如何使用 tuckey urlrewrite 规则实现此目的? If it can't be done with urlrewrite than can you suggest any other way?如果不能用 urlrewrite 完成,你能推荐其他方法吗?

This can not be done using UrlRewriteFilter.这不能使用 UrlRewriteFilter 完成。 You would need to use a reverse proxy of some sort.您需要使用某种反向代理。

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