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使用 mongoose 在 nodejs 后端写入和检索数据

[英]Using mongoose to write and retrieve data in nodejs backend

im newer about MongoDb and Node.Js.我更新了 MongoDb 和 Node.Js。

I should check if an Asset exists, and then (if not exist) create it.我应该检查资产是否存在,然后(如果不存在)创建它。

This is the Asset schema这是资产模式

var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var AssetSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    creationDate: { type: Date, default: Date.now },
}, {collection: 'Assets'})

var Asset = mongoose.model('Asset', AssetSchema)

Check if asset exists检查资产是否存在

async function assetExists(assetName, callback) {
        Asset.findOne({name: assetName}
            , function(err, asset){
                    callback(err, null);
                    console.log('Error on find asset '+assetName)
                } else {
                    callback(null, asset.name); //Using this I get the asset.name or undefined

Create new one新建一个

async function addAsset(assetName, callback){
        var newAsset = new Asset({name: assetName})

        await newAsset.save( function(err, asset){
                callback(err, null);
                console.log('Error on add asset '+assetName)

Anyway I checked, and no one of these two methods seem to work.不管怎样,我查了一下,这两种方法似乎都行不通。 I thought it was a connection problem, but the connection works.我以为这是一个连接问题,但连接有效。

I use MongoDB Cloud, this is the connection string我使用 MongoDB Cloud,这是连接字符串



What am i missing?我错过了什么? Do both method are correct?两种方法都正确吗? Thanks谢谢

The problem with your methods are you're making them async but using them in a synchronous way.您的方法的问题是您使它们async但以同步方式使用它们。


async function assetExists(assetName) {
  const asset = await Asset.findOne({name: assetName});
  return asset ? asset : false; // returns asset if exists otherwise false;

While creating a new Asset you can check if an Asset with given name exists or not:创建新资产时,您可以检查是否存在具有给定名称的资产:

async function addAsset(assetName) {
  try {
    const isAssetExisting = await assetExists(assetName); // re-using the above function
    if (!isAssetExisting) {
      const newAsset = new Asset({ name: assetName });
      return await newAsset.save() // returns newly created asset
    return isAssetExisting; // otherwise returns existing asset
  } catch (err) {
    // Your way of handling error

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