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如何在 macOS Cocoa 中通过 AppDelegate 更新我的 Window?

[英]How can I update my Window via AppDelegate in macOS Cocoa?

I am using ViewController for my app content, I want be able to update my app window in AppDelegate.我正在为我的应用程序内容使用 ViewController,我希望能够在 AppDelegate 中更新我的应用程序 window。 I know that I can update my window from ViewController but for this question I want update my window from AppDelegate while ViewController is going take care of content of my app.我知道我可以从 ViewController 更新我的 window 但对于这个问题我想从 AppDelegate 更新我的 window 而 ViewController 将负责我的应用程序的内容。

import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {

    let window: NSWindow? = NSApp.mainWindow

    func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
        // Insert code here to initialize your application

        window?.setFrameAutosaveName("Main Window")

        window?.title = "changed label"


Add a declaration for your view controller and then add it to the window;为你的视图添加声明 controller,然后将其添加到 window; (example) (例子)

   var myVC = aViewController()

inside applicationDidFinishLaunching;在 applicationDidFinishLaunching 里面;



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