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Getting Operation 在 Bot Framework 上向 Facebook Azure 通道返回了无效状态代码“BadRequest”错误

[英]Getting Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest' error on Bot Framework to Facebook Azure channel

I am getting below error while I am sending response back to my Facebook channel using Azure Bot service.当我使用 Azure Bot 服务将响应发送回我的 Facebook 频道时,出现以下错误。 I used bot framework 4.0我用的是bot framework 4.0

One or more errors occurred.发生一个或多个错误。 (Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest' (操作返回无效状态代码“BadRequest”

I getting above error while calling below methods调用以下方法时出现上述错误

Task t = Task.Run(() => turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Hi hellow", "Hi hellow", InputHints.AcceptingInput), cancellationToken), cancellationToken); 
await Task.CompletedTask;

and also并且

Task t = Task.Run(() => turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Attachment(card?.ToAttachment(), ssml: ssml), cancellationToken), cancellationToken);
await Task.CompletedTask;

the card object have below values卡 object 具有以下值

   "text":"For the best experience you should log in to your My Choice account.",
         "title":"Let's Get Started",
         "text":"Let's get started",
         "displayText":"Let's get started",
         "value":"Let's get started",

"tap":null } “点击”:null}

Here is the document to connect to Facebook Channel.这是连接到 Facebook 频道的文档 If your bot works in web chat but not fakebook channels here are the steps to troubleshoot.如果您的 bot 在 web 聊天但不是 fakebook 频道中工作,这里是故障排除的步骤


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