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掌握在 QML/Qbs 中导入我们的模块

[英]Get hold of the module that imported us in QML/Qbs

As a beginner in Qbs/QML I want to get information about what instance that imported our module .作为Qbs/QML的初学者,我想获得有关导入我们模块的实例的信息。 For example, given this project:例如,给定这个项目:

├── a
│   └── imported.qbs
└── b
    └── main.qbs

with a/imported.qbs like this:使用a/imported.qbs这样的:

        console.info("I was imported from" + XXX);
        return "imported"

and b/main.qbs like this:b/main.qbs是这样的:

import "../a/imported.qbs" as Imported
Imported {}

When I run main.qbs , how could I get the instance that imported imported.qbs ( main.qbs )?当我运行main.qbs时,如何获取导入imported.qbs ( main.qbs ) 的实例?

Or in other words, what should I susbstitute for XXX to print main.qbs .或者换句话说,我应该用什么来代替 XXX 来打印main.qbs

I don't think you can get the file name of the instantiating item, nor should it be relevant.我认为您无法获取实例化项的文件名,也不应该相关。

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