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如何迭代 groovy 中的对象数组

[英]How to Iterate array of objects in groovy

How to loop the array of objects in groovy?如何循环groovy中的对象数组?

I have tried below logic and got the No such property error.我尝试了以下逻辑并得到了 No such property 错误。

def map = [{asset_key = helloWorld}, {asset_key = Demo}]

for(key in map){


Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: asset_key for class: maingroovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: asset_key for class: mainat main.run(main.groovy:4)捕获:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException:没有这样的属性:class的asset_key:maingroovy.lang.MissingPropertyException:没有这样的属性:class的asset_key:mainat main.run(main.groovy:4)

expected output:预计 output:


The code {asset_key = helloWorld} is not a Groovy key-value pair, it's a closure.代码{asset_key = helloWorld}不是Groovy 键值对,它是一个闭包。 Try this instead:试试这个:

def map = [ asset_key1: 'helloWorld', asset_key2:'Demo']
println "map is: ${map}\n"

map.each { key, value ->
    println "$key has value $value"

Running the above example will give you this result:运行上面的例子会给你这个结果:


The following code will give your desired output:以下代码将为您提供所需的 output:

def map = [ asset_key1: 'helloWorld', asset_key2:'Demo']

map.each { key, value ->
    println value

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