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逻辑应用程序从数组中的项目中获取前 5 个字符

[英]Logic App take first 5 characters from the items in array

I would like to be able to extract the first 5 characters from the element in the array in Logic App.我希望能够从 Logic App 中的数组元素中提取前 5 个字符。 I am able to generate the list (below image) but I need only first 5 characters not the whole name我能够生成列表(下图)但我只需要前 5 个字符而不是全名


and here is the result这是结果


Thank you:)谢谢你:)

Using substring function you can extract first five characters of the file name .使用 substring function 可以提取文件名的前五个字符 I have reproduced issue from my side and below are steps I followed,我已经从我这边复制了问题,下面是我遵循的步骤,

  1. Created logic app as shown below,创建的逻辑应用程序如下所示,在此处输入图像描述

  2. Taken http trigger and then initialized a variable of type array.取http触发器,然后初始化一个数组类型的变量。在此处输入图像描述

  3. Next listing Azure blobs in storage account.接下来列出存储帐户中的 Azure 个 blob。


  1. In foreach loop, iterating over list of blobs and then appending display name of blob to array variable.在 foreach 循环中,迭代 blob 列表,然后将 blob 的显示名称附加到数组变量。 Here using substring function to take first 5 characters of file name with expression,这里使用substring function 取文件名的前 5 个字符和表达式,

substring(items('For_each')?['DisplayName'],0,5) substring(items('For_each')?['DisplayName'],0,5)


  1. Creating blob with using content as array variable output.使用内容作为数组变量 output 创建 blob。

  2. File names in storage account displayed as shown below,存储帐户中的文件名显示如下所示,在此处输入图像描述

  3. Logic app ran successfully and blob created in storage account as shown below,逻辑应用成功运行并在存储帐户中创建了 blob,如下所示, 在此处输入图像描述


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