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Gophish API 请求被阻止:“不允许标头‘授权’”(Javascript 请求)

[英]Gophish API request is blocked : "header ‘authorization’ is not allowed" (Javascript request)

I am using the Gophish API for the first time.我是第一次使用 Gophish API。

I can't get the list of the sending profiles through a simple Javascript HTTP request.我无法通过简单的 Javascript HTTP 请求获取发送配置文件列表。 Firefox display this error message: Firefox 显示此错误消息:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
``https://MY_GOPHISH_SERVER_URL:3333/api/smtp``. (Reason: header ‘authorization’ is not allowed according to header  ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’ from CORS preflight response).

Here is my request code:这是我的请求代码:

fetch("MY_GOPHISH_SERVER_URL:3333/api/smtp", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
            Authorization : MY_GOPHISH_API_KEY
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    .catch(error => console.error(error.message))

What could I try?我可以尝试什么? Is there a way to edit Gophish CORS policy?有没有办法编辑 Gophish CORS 政策?



Additional information:附加信息:

  • The campaigns made from Gophish browser interface work well.从 Gophish 浏览器界面制作的活动效果很好。
  • If I try the same request with POSTMAN, it works only if I disable the SSL certificate verification.如果我用 POSTMAN 尝试相同的请求,它只有在我禁用 SSL 证书验证时才有效。
  • The SSL certificate is valid (I own it and it is announced as valid by browsers) SSL 证书有效(我拥有它并被浏览器宣布为有效)

I actually discovered that it requires to disable the SSL certificate verification as the SSL certificate is known and valid.我实际上发现它需要禁用 SSL 证书验证,因为 SSL 证书是已知且有效的。

I am gonna open a new ticket for that purpose as it is bugging as well... xD !我要为此目的开一张新票,因为它也有窃听……xD!

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