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谷歌 BigQuery 中的谷歌分析 Object

[英]Google Analytics Object in Google BigQuery

I'm trying to extract data from Google Analytics, but due to incompatibilities between dimensions and metrics, it was decided to use Google Big Query instead, to obtain the data related to GA4.我正在尝试从 Google Analytics 中提取数据,但由于维度和指标之间的不兼容,决定改用 Google Big Query 来获取与 GA4 相关的数据。

I'm struggling to find some metrics/dimensions in Google BigQuery, even searching on the documentation: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3437719?hl=en我很难在 Google BigQuery 中找到一些指标/维度,甚至搜索文档: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3437719?hl=en

Google Analytics Dimensions/Metrics:谷歌分析维度/指标:


These are the dimensions and metrics that I've used from google analytics and the ones I can't find in Google Big Query are:这些是我从谷歌分析中使用的维度和指标,而我在 Google Big Query 中找不到的维度和指标是:

  1. Users用户
  2. Sessions (I used totals. visits, but I get only NULLs and 1's, while on GA it fills with more numbers)会话(我使用了总计。访问,但我只得到 NULL 和 1,而在 GA 上它填充了更多数字)
  3. TransactionsPerSession交易次数
  4. CountryIsoCode (In GA it is only the country indicative, for instance, Spain --> ES, but in Big Query, it's the country's complete name. This can be solved, but would be good to have the country code directly from the source) CountryIsoCode(在GA中它只是指示国家,例如,西班牙--> ES,但在Big Query中,它是国家的完整名称。这个可以解决,但最好直接从源中获得国家代码)
  5. avgSessionDuration平均会话持续时间

A great place to get this information is https://www.ga4bigquery.com/ I have copied one of my reports that will provide you with points 1,2,3 & 5. I don't use country but it can be found in the link above获取此信息的好地方是https://www.ga4bigquery.com/我已经复制了一份我的报告,将为您提供第 1、2、3 和 5 点。我不使用国家/地区,但可以找到在上面的链接中

-- subquery to prepare the data
with prep_traffic as (
    event_date as date,
     count(distinct (ecommerce.transaction_id)) as Transactions,
    (select value.int_value from unnest(event_params) where key = 'ga_session_id') as session_id,
    max((select value.string_value from unnest(event_params) where key = 'session_engaged')) as session_engaged,
    max((select value.int_value from unnest(event_params) where key = 'engagement_time_msec')) as engagement_time_msec,
    -- change event_name to the event(s) you want to count
    countif(event_name = 'page_view') as event_count,
    -- change event_name to the conversion event(s) you want to count
    countif(event_name = 'add_payment_info') as conversions,
    sum(ecommerce.purchase_revenue) as total_revenue   
    -- change this to your google analytics 4 bigquery export location
    -- change the date range by using static and/or dynamic dates
    _table_suffix between '20230129' and format_date('%Y%m%d',date_sub(current_date(), interval 1 day))
group by 

-- main query
 count(distinct user_pseudo_id) as users,
    count(distinct concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id)) as sessions,
    count(distinct case when session_engaged = '1' then concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id) end) as engaged_sessions,
    ROUND(safe_divide(count(distinct case when session_engaged = '1' then concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id) end),count(distinct user_pseudo_id)),2) as engaged_sessions_per_user,
    ROUND(safe_divide(count(distinct case when session_engaged = '1' then concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id) end),count(distinct concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id))),2) as engagement_rate,
    (sum(Transactions)) As transactions,
    (sum(Transactions))/ count(distinct concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id)) as TransactionsPerSession,
     safe_divide(sum(engagement_time_msec),count(distinct case when session_engaged = '1' then concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id) end)) /count(distinct case when session_engaged = '1' then concat(user_pseudo_id,session_id) end)as avgSessionDuration,
    sum(event_count) as event_count,
    sum(conversions) as conversions,
    ifnull(sum(total_revenue),0) as total_revenue,

group by

order by
    date desc, users desc

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