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表中的 Select 行以列表中的特定字符串值结尾

[英]Select rows from table with specific string value endings from list

I have a table with two columns item_name , value where item_names looks like "abracadabra_prefix.tag_name".我有一个包含两列item_name的表,其中item_names看起来像“abracadabra_prefix.tag_name”。 And I need to select rows with tag_names from a list that doesn't have a prefix.我需要从没有前缀的列表中提取 select 行带有 tag_names 的行。

Should be somthing like:应该是这样的:

tag_names = ['f1', 'k500', '23_g']

SELECT * FROM table WHERE item_name IN (LIKE "%{tag_names});

input table:输入表:

item_name项目名 value价值
fasdaf.f1法斯达夫.f1 1 1个
asdfe.f2 asdfe.f2 2 2个
eywvs.24_g eywvs.24_g 2 2个
asdfe.l500 asdfe.l500 2 2个
asdfe.k500 asdfe.k500 2 2个
eywvs.23_g eywvs.23_g 2 2个

output table: output表:

item_name项目名 value价值
fasdaf.f1法斯达夫.f1 1 1个
asdfe.k500 asdfe.k500 2 2个
eywvs.23_g eywvs.23_g 2 2个

I have tried concatenating a string in a loop to get a query like this:我试过在循环中连接一个字符串来获得这样的查询:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE item_name LIKE '%f1' OR item_name LIKE '%k500' OR item_name LIKE '%23_g';

But I can have from 1 to 200 tags, and with a large number of tags, this makes the query too complicated,as I understand it.但是我可以有 1 到 200 个标签,并且标签数量很多,这使得查询过于复杂,据我所知。

You can use:您可以使用:

  • UNNEST to extract tag values from your array, UNNEST从数组中提取标签值,
  • CROSS JOIN to associate tag value to each row of your table CROSS JOIN将标签值关联到表的每一行
  • LIKE to make a comparison between your item_name and your tag LIKE在你的 item_name 和你的标签之间进行比较
SELECT item_name, value_ 
FROM tab
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ARRAY['f1', 'k500', '23_g']) AS tag
WHERE item_name LIKE '%' || tag || '%'

Output: Output:

item_name项目名 value_价值_
fasdaf.f1法斯达夫.f1 1 1个
asdfe.k500 asdfe.k500 2 2个
eywvs.23_g eywvs.23_g 2 2个

Check the demo here .此处查看演示。

You can extract the suffix of item_name using substring with regexp and then use the any operator for comparison in the where clause.您可以使用substring和正则表达式提取item_name的后缀,然后在where子句中使用any运算符进行比较。

select * from the_table
where substring (item_name from '\.(\w+)$') = any('{f1,k500,23_g}'::text[]);

SQL fiddle demo SQL 小提琴演示
If you intend to use the query as a parameterized one then it will be convenient to replace '{f1,k500,23_g}'::text[] with string_to_array('f1,k500,23_g', ',') , ie pass the list of suffixes as a comma-separated string.如果您打算将查询用作参数化查询,那么将'{f1,k500,23_g}'::text[]替换为string_to_array('f1,k500,23_g', ',')会很方便,即通过以逗号分隔的字符串形式的后缀列表。 Please note that this query will result in a sequential scan.请注意,此查询将导致顺序扫描。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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