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Blazor 服务器:更改动态组件类型并立即访问它的引用

[英]Blazor Server: Changing dynamic component type and accessing it's reference immediately

If i change the component type dynamically dynCompType = typeof(RubricEditor);如果我动态更改组件类型dynCompType = typeof(RubricEditor);

and then access it's reference to call a method: await ((RubricEditor?)_dynComp?.Instance.);ReloadEntity();然后访问它的引用以调用方法: await ((RubricEditor?)_dynComp?.Instance.);ReloadEntity();

i get an exception, because "_dynComp" is still pointing to the previously rendered component.我得到一个异常,因为“_dynComp”仍然指向先前呈现的组件。 how can i change the component, wait for re-rendering so the ref is updated, and then call the method in one step?如何更改组件,等待重新渲染以便更新 ref,然后一步调用该方法?

DynamicComponent? _dynComp { get; set; }
    async Task SwitchComponent()
        // dynCompType is "FolderEditor" here -> _dynComp.Instance is of type "FolderEditor"

        // change component type
        dynCompType = typeof(RubricEditor);

        // how to wait here for _dynComp.Instance to change?

        // this method call fails because instance still is of type FolderEditor
        await ((RubricEditor?)_dynComp?.Instance!).ReloadEntity();

i'm following this dynamic component example from the docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/as.net/core/blazor/components/dynamiccomponent?view=as.netcore-7.0我正在关注文档中的这个动态组件示例: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/as.net/core/blazor/components/dynamiccomponent?view=as.netcore-7.0

i tried adding StateHasChanged(); await Task.Yield();我尝试添加StateHasChanged(); await Task.Yield(); StateHasChanged(); await Task.Yield(); between changing the type and accessing.Instance, but this didn't work.在更改类型和访问实例之间,但这没有用。

I think the 'Blazor Way' would be to call ReloadEntity in the OnInitialized method of both FolderEditor and RubricEditor.我认为“Blazor 方式”是在 FolderEditor 和 RubricEditor 的 OnInitialized 方法中调用 ReloadEntity。

Something like this...像这样的东西......

DynamicComponent? _dynComp { get; set; }
    async Task SwitchComponent()
        dynCompType = typeof(RubricEditor);

class RubricEditor : ComponentBase {
    protected void OnInitialized() {

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