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Cloud Run 入口 - 来自 api 网关的内部和云负载平衡

[英]Cloud Run ingress - internal-and-cloud-load-balancing from api gateway

I have the following setup:我有以下设置:

GLB -≥ Serverless NEG -> API GW -> Cloud Run GLB -≥ Serverless NEG -> API GW -> Cloud Run

Is that possible to limit the ingress with the configuration option internal-and-cloud-load-balancing ?是否可以使用配置选项internal-and-cloud-load-balancing限制入口?

I am getting 403. Is there some additional setup necessary?我收到 403。是否需要一些额外的设置?

Documentation claims:文档声明:

Only supported for Cloud Run (fully managed). Only inbound requests from Google Cloud Load Balancing or a traffic source allowed by the internal option are allowed.

Goal: I want cloud run to be accessible only through GLB -> API GW path.目标:我希望只能通过 GLB -> API GW 路径访问云运行。

Any help is appreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。

API Gateway does not support the Internal or Internal and Cloud Load Balancing ingress restriction settings. API 网关不支持InternalInternal and Cloud Load Balancing入口限制设置。 This is an API Gateway's behavior, as it is not part of the VPC Network in which the Cloud Run service is located.这是 API 网关的行为,因为它不是 Cloud Run 服务所在的 VPC 网络的一部分。 Only the sources described in the documentation accepts requests for a service with the ingress configuration set to internal or Internal and Cloud Load Balancing which is why the setup GLB > API GW > Cloud Run does not work.只有文档中描述的来源接受入口配置设置为internalInternal and Cloud Load Balancing的服务请求,这就是设置 GLB > API GW > Cloud Run 不起作用的原因。

A feature request has been raised for this functionality.已针对此功能提出功能请求。 To keep track of the status/progress of this feature request, kindly refer to this link and click the +1 button to get notified for further updates要跟踪此功能请求的状态/进度,请参阅此链接并单击+1按钮以获取进一步更新的通知

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