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如何将方法添加到基数 class?

[英]How to add method to base class?

I want to add __add__ and __radd__ to the python base class set .我想将__add____radd__添加到 python base class set中。

The code can be as simple as代码可以很简单

def __add__(self, other) :
    assert isinstance(other, set), \
        "perhaps additional type checking or argument validation can go here but" + \
        " strictly only defined for pure python sets"
    return set( list(self) + list(other) )

def __radd__(self, other) :
    assert isinstance(other, set), \
        "perhaps additional type checking or argument validation can go here but" + \
        " strictly only defined for pure sets"
    return set( list(other) + list(self) )

What is the pythonic implementation of this and how can I extend the base class without creating my own MySet class that takes set as a parent class?这个的 pythonic 实现是什么?我如何在不创建自己的MySet class 的情况下扩展基数 class,将set作为父 class? Can I just use set.__add__ = some_function_I_defined ?我可以只使用set.__add__ = some_function_I_defined吗?

What you should do imho is subclass the built-in set class. In Python (contrary to eg Ruby or JavaScript) monkey-patching a built-in is not allowed.恕我直言,你应该做的是将内置set class 子类化。在 Python 中(与 Ruby 或 JavaScript 相反)猴子修补内置是不允许的。

So eg trying to add a non-existent method:因此,例如尝试添加一个不存在的方法:

x = [1,2,3]
x.my_new_method_added_in_runtime = lambda: "whatever"

is not going to work, you'd get AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'my_new_method_added_in_runtime'不会工作,你会得到AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'my_new_method_added_in_runtime'

You cannot also modify the existing methods of objects instantiated using those built-ins:您也不能修改使用这些内置函数实例化的对象的现有方法:

x = [1,2,3]
x.sort = lambda: "returning some string instead of sorting..."

will result in AttributeError: 'list' object attribute 'sort' is read-only将导致AttributeError: 'list' object attribute 'sort' is read-only


list.append = None
# OR
del list.append

will result in: TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'list'将导致: TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'list'

All of the above is true for set as well an so on.以上所有内容都适用于set以及依此类推。

You could try to look for some libraries to achieve that eg https://pypi.org/project/forbiddenfruit/0.1.0/ , but it's strongly discouraged.您可以尝试寻找一些库来实现该目标,例如https://pypi.org/project/forbiddenfruit/0.1.0/ ,但强烈建议不要这样做。

@chepner correctly answered my question without realizing it. @chepner 在没有意识到的情况下正确地回答了我的问题。 I was trying to reimplement already existing functionality since I was not familiar with python sets.因为我不熟悉 python 集,所以我试图重新实现现有的功能。

The act of joining two sets, 'taking their union' is implemented with the python __or__ and __ior__ methods.加入两个集合的行为,“合并”是通过 python __or____ior__方法实现的。 The operation I needed specifically was |我特别需要的操作是| and |= .|=

In principle we should be able to set operations as chepner suggested with set.__add__ = set.__or__ , but as chepner points out this results in an error:原则上,我们应该能够按照 chepner 的建议设置操作set.__add__ = set.__or__ ,但正如 chepner 指出的那样,这会导致错误:

TypeError: cannot set '__add__' attribute of immutable type 'set'

Thank you all.谢谢你们。

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