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如何从具有多个主机的 ansible_facts 中创建一个列表

[英]how to make a list from ansible_facts with multiple hosts

I'm trying to make a list with IP addresses of various hosts and then use this list in another task.我正在尝试制作一个包含各种主机的 IP 地址的列表,然后在另一个任务中使用此列表。 My question is, how can I pick an IP (I need the public IP) from the output of each host and add it to a list?我的问题是,如何从每个主机的 output 中选择一个 IP(我需要公共 IP)并将其添加到列表中? I need the IPs that do not start with 10. .我需要10. .. 开头的 IP。

Later, I need to use this list in another task.稍后,我需要在另一个任务中使用这个列表。

I extract this information by running this playbook:我通过运行此剧本来提取此信息:

- hosts: facts
  become: true
  gather_facts: True
    - debug:
        msg: "The ip: {{ item }}"
      with_items: "{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses }}" 

Later, I need to use this list in another task:稍后,我需要在另一个任务中使用这个列表:

- wait_for:
    host: "{{ item[0] }}"
    port: "{{ item[1] }}"
    state: started
    delay: 0
    timeout: 2
  delegate_to: localhost
  become: false
  ignore_errors: no
  ignore_unreachable: yes
  register: result
  failed_when: not result.failed  
    - [ IP LIST HERE]
    - [443,80,9200,9300,22,5432,6432]

You can access those values from the hostvars right away, then use a reject filter with a match test in order to reject what you don't want to test for.您可以立即从hostvars访问这些值,然后使用带有match测试的reject过滤器来拒绝您不想测试的内容。

Which, in a debug task would gives:其中,在debug任务中会给出:

# note: ports list reduced for brevity 

- debug:
    msg: "I should wait for interface {{ item.0 }}:{{ item.1 }}"
  loop: >-
        | dict2items
        | selectattr('key', 'in', ansible_play_hosts)
        | map(attribute='value.ansible_all_ipv4_addresses', default=[])
        | flatten
        | reject('match', '10\..*')
        | product(_ports)
    label: "{{ item.0 }}"
  run_once: true
  delegate_to: localhost
      - 22
      - 80

In my lab, this give:在我的实验室中,这给出:

ok: [ansible-node-1 -> localhost] => (item= => 
  msg: I should wait for interface
ok: [ansible-node-1 -> localhost] => (item= => 
  msg: I should wait for interface
ok: [ansible-node-1 -> localhost] => (item= => 
  msg: I should wait for interface
ok: [ansible-node-1 -> localhost] => (item= => 
  msg: I should wait for interface

Try the example below试试下面的例子

shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: all


    ip_list: "{{ ansible_play_hosts|
                 map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_all_ipv4_addresses')|
                 map('first')|list }}"
    ip_list_reject: "{{ ip_list|reject('match', '10\\.')|list }}"


    - setup:
        gather_subset: network
    - block:
        - debug:
            var: ip_list
        - debug:
            var: ip_list_reject
        - wait_for:
            host: "{{ item.0 }}"
            port: "{{ item.1 }}"
            state: started
            delay: 0
            timeout: 2
          delegate_to: localhost
          register: result
            - "{{ ip_list_reject }}"
            - [443, 80, 9200, 9300, 22, 5432, 6432]
      run_once: true

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