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从另一个账户访问 CloudFront 指标

[英]Accessing CloudFront metrics from another account

I have 2 AWS accounts:我有 2 个 AWS 账户:

  1. QA account,质量检查帐户,
  2. monitoring account.监控账号。

First one has a CloudFront distribution.第一个有 CloudFront 分布。 I can see its metrics in CloudWatch in the same account.我可以在同一账户的 CloudWatch 中看到它的指标。 In the same CloudWatch, I have enabled cross-account cross-region data sharing with the second - monitoring account.在同一个CloudWatch中,我启用了与第二个监控账户的跨账户跨区域数据共享。 Unfortunately, from the CloudWatch in the monitoring account, I cannot see any CloudFront metrics.不幸的是,从监控账户中的 CloudWatch,我看不到任何 CloudFront 指标。 Tried in the us-east-1/N.Virginia region, where CF supposed to expose its metrics, but I cannot see them.在 us-east-1/N.Virginia 区域尝试过,CF 应该在该区域公开其指标,但我看不到它们。 At the end, I would like to access CloudFront metrics from the first account while being in Ohio region in the monitoring account.最后,我想在监控账户中位于俄亥俄区域时从第一个账户访问 CloudFront 指标。

Could you please guide me, how to access those CloudFront metrics from a perspective of the second account?您能否指导我如何从第二个帐户的角度访问这些 CloudFront 指标?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Using AWS Management Console for the second account, I tried to explore all CloudWatch metrics from different regions looking for CloudFront data, including N.Virginia, but could not find anything.使用第二个账户的 AWS 管理控制台,我尝试探索来自不同区域的所有 CloudWatch 指标以寻找 CloudFront 数据,包括弗吉尼亚北部,但找不到任何东西。

OK, fixed.好的,固定的。 Now, while adding widgets to CW dashboard in the monitoring account I can see 2 drop-down boxes with account and region .现在,在监控帐户中向 CW 仪表板添加小部件时,我可以看到 2 个下拉框,其中包含accountregion When I select QA account and N.Virginia region, I can see all required CloudFront metrics to choose from.当我输入 select QA 帐户N.Virginia区域时,我可以看到所有必需的 CloudFront 指标以供选择。

I am not 100% sure, why it helped, but that's what I did: I have re-configured CloudWatch -> Settings -> View cross-account cross-region again, but this time selected Custom account selector instead of Account Id Input .我不是 100% 确定它为什么有帮助,但这就是我所做的:我重新配置了 CloudWatch ->设置-> 再次查看跨账户跨区域,但这次选择了Custom account selector而不是Account Id Input

Initially, I first enabled viewing data from the monitoring account and then enabled sharing data from the QA account .最初,我先从监控帐户启用查看数据,然后从QA 帐户启用共享数据。 Maybe it has to be done in the reverse order to work from the git go.也许它必须以相反的顺序完成才能从 git go 开始工作。

Anyway, I hope it will help someone struggling like me.不管怎样,我希望它能帮助像我一样挣扎的人。

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