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打开视频缩略图 - 视频将打开但不会加载

[英]Opening Video Thumbnail - video will open but will not load

For context, this is just a website that displays a thumbnail gallery linking to larger photos/videos.对于上下文,这只是一个显示链接到较大照片/视频的缩略图库的网站。

When the thumbnails of photos are opened there is no problem.当打开照片的缩略图时没有问题。 The thumbnails with a video attached to them look identical to the photo thumbnail only until the video thumbnail is clicked and the video will not load.只有在单击视频缩略图并且视频不会加载之前,带有视频的缩略图看起来与照片缩略图相同。 Reference the HTML(first block) & javascript(second block) code below, any help would be greatly appreciated, this is my own personal project and I have been stuck for a couple days lol.参考下面的 HTML(first block) & javascript(second block) 代码,任何帮助将不胜感激,这是我自己的个人项目,我已经被困了几天大声笑。 if there any other information required, please do not hesitate to ask如果需要任何其他信息,请随时询问

This what happens when the thumbnail with the video is clicked but the video DOES NOT PLAY:(单击带有视频的缩略图但视频不播放时会发生这种情况:(

<!-- code below is the PHOTO block of code ! -->

<article class="thumb">
    <a href="images/fulls/21.jpg" class="image">
    <img src="images/thumbs/21.jpg" class="image" alt="" /></a>
    <h2> Cmon mayne</h2>
    <p>Photoshoot with Myles Jay </p>

<!-- code below is the VIDEO block of code ! -->

<article class="thumb">                         
    <a href="images/fulls/16.mp4"  type="video/mp4" video     
         src="images/fulls/16.mp4" class="image">
    <img src="images/thumbs/ab22.jpg" class="image" alt="" />   
    </a>                                                                                <h2> Getting to the work</h2>                                
<p>Photoshoot with Myself </p>
// Main.
        var $main = $('#main');

    // Thumbs.

    $main.children('.thumb').each(function() {

    var $this = $(this),
            $image = $this.find('.image'), $image_img = $image.children('img'),

    // No image? Bail.
        if ($image.length == 0)

    // Image.
    // This sets the background of the "image" <span> to the image pointed to by its child
    // <img> (which is then hidden). Gives us way more flexibility.

    // Set background.
            $image.css('background-image', 'url(' + $image_img.attr('src') + ')');

    // Set background position.
            if (x = $image_img.data('position'))
                $image.css('background-position', x);
       // Hide original img.
            $image_img.hide();    });

        // Poptrox.
                baseZIndex: 20000,
                caption: function($a) {

                    var s = '';

                    $a.nextAll().each(function() {
                        s += this.outerHTML;

                    return s;

                fadeSpeed: 300,
                onPopupClose: function() { $body.removeClass('modal-active'); },
                onPopupOpen: function() { $body.addClass('modal-active'); },
                overlayOpacity: 0,
                popupCloserText: '',
                popupHeight: 150,
                popupLoaderText: '',
                popupSpeed: 300,
                popupWidth: 150,
                selector: '.thumb > a.image',
                usePopupCaption: true,
                usePopupCloser: true,
                usePopupDefaultStyling: false,
                usePopupForceClose: true,
                usePopupLoader: true,
                usePopupNav: true,
                windowMargin: 50

            // Hack: Set margins to 0 when 'xsmall' activates.
                breakpoints.on('<=xsmall', function() {
                    $main[0]._poptrox.windowMargin = 0;

                breakpoints.on('>xsmall', function() {
                    $main[0]._poptrox.windowMargin = 50;


I have searched every stackoverflow method mentioning a thumbnail and video, I am honestly stuck.我搜索了每个提到缩略图和视频的 stackoverflow 方法,老实说我被卡住了。 I have been playing around with the tags and attributes but I have seem to be getting no where.我一直在玩弄标签和属性,但我似乎无处可去。

Try setting up your <article> as:尝试将您的<article>设置为:

<article class="thumb">                         
    <a href="images/fulls/16.mp4">
    <img src="images/thumbs/ab22.jpg" class="image" alt="" />   
    </a>                                                                               <h2> Getting to the work</h2>                                
<p>Photoshoot with Myself </p>

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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